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 No one's POV

Ambrosia waved goodbye to her father and mother as she and the Inu gang were walking away from the castle. Kagome smiles "I'm glad you and your mother got back in good terms" Ambrosia nods "Yes indeed it is...gives me a warm feeling...Something I have lost ever since my Aunt has passed away. " She looks at Kagome. Inuyasha sighs "I'm worried about Sesshomaru" Everyone looks at him. Miroku stares at Inuyasha "Everyone gets behind me, this isn't the real Inuyasha!" He yells. Inuyasha growls and hits him on the head "Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Sango smiles "Nope this is the Inuyasha we know" Kagome nods "Yes always hot-headed " Ambrosia and Shippo laugh and nodded. Inuyasha huffs "But really...Once Miso left Sesshomaru followed him..." Ambrosia stops laughing and looks at him "What...He followed Miso..." She was worried, knowing what Miso can do, "You guys move on, I need to make sure Miso doesn't do anything or Sesshomaru " She runs the castle.

Rai and Sakura looked at each other, staying quiet. Sakura opened her mouth to say something to him but stopped by Ambrosia's yells. "Angel!" She runs over to her with Rai following her. "What is the matter, My little Immortal!" He yells. "Wheres Miso and Sesshomaru?" She pants from running. "Those two are together...This isn't good, Rai look for them now, Ambrosia stay at the castle, I know what Miso is planning" She drags Ambrosia inside the castle while Rai sent Soldiers to look around his lands and to protect the villages While he looks for his son and Sesshomaru.

Ambrosia POV

What does mother mean? "Wait, Sakura What do you mean you know what Miso is planning?" I asked. She stopped dragging me and looked at me worriedly. "I saw it happen...I vision it...Miso...and the Man who set that curse on you...are out to kill you..." She looks at me sadly. My eyes widen and shook my head "I would never allow that" I took out my Katana. "He may be my brother but I have to stop him...And he might kill Sesshomaru" I ran off following Sesshomaru's scent, He wasn't alone...Miso was there as well and that panther demon. A barrier stopped me, I took out my katana and sliced it in half. I walked inside and saw Miso and Sesshomaru, The scent of that demon wasn't here, I guess he left. I blocked Miso's blade when Sesshomaru was down. "Leave him alone" I glare at him. He smirks "If it isn't my dear sister" He jumps up into a branch. I helped Sesshomaru up, "You okay?" He nods "You should leave" "No I'm staying this is also my battle" I heard Miso laugh "Aww look at that, I'm surprised you two haven't confessed" I glare at him "We're just allies" I jump up and sliced the tree in half but he was able to jump to another. "You have improved" He smirks "I do want you killed but I want it my way" I stuck my Katana to the ground "Good luck with that" I mocked and Sliced the tree again but he jumped over me and landed Behind Sesshomaru. My eyes widen as Miso held a blade against his neck. "Our great-grandfather created this blade, Can kill any Yokai pure or impure." He smirks.

"Let him go!" I yelled and pointed my katana to him, "This is between us Brother...leave him out of this" I turn to my right and saw My father with the soldiers "Miso!" He growls "I raised you better than this!" "Please father, Your too weak, This land needs someone whos stronger and you're not one of them" He glares at father. My eyes widen seeing mother. Miso's eyes also widen "Mother...Why are you here" She walks over to us disobeying my father's orders of her staying by his side. "Miso stop this...Your goal was only to bring me back from my mental illness, I'm back, am I not? Stop this my boy and leave the past behind" She looks at Miso with loving eyes. he looks down and slowly the blade left Sesshomaru's neck. I sigh seeing this was over and no one was hurt. "I-I'm sorry" Miso whispers and falls to his knees. My father walks over to us "For your punishment..you are banished from my lands" Miso tears up "Please no Father!" I look down "Don't" I whisper. Everyone looks at me "I know what he did was wrong but he is your son, father...Don't abandon your children when they need you the most." I walk over and held my hand out to my brother. He looks at me then my hand and slowly took it. I helped him up and hugged him. He hugs me back. My father looks at us and smiles a bit. Sakura held the both of us and kisses our foreheads.


My little warrior has been surprising me more and more. Also bringing this family closer together. I look over to Sesshomaru and nodded to him "Sesshomaru, I would like to become allies with you, To stop Naraku" He nods "I accept" I walk over my family and hugged them all. "Sir we should head back to the castle" I nodded hearing the soldier "very well" I look over to Sesshomaru to see he was gone. I look over to Ambrosia and saw her watching into the distance of the entrance of the forest. Her eyes held mixed emotions, She must have caught Sesshomaru leaving. I sigh and took her hand "Let's go, You can catch up with Inuyasha and the gang tomorrow" She nods "Yes father" We began to walk back to the castle.

The guards open the door and I saw Yamasato and Kasai. "Father there you are" Kasai smiles but was shocked seeing Sakura and Ambrosia next to each other talking along with Miso. I smile seeing both boys shocked expressions. Ambrosia looks over and smiles "Kasai! Yamasato!" She runs over to them and hugs them both. I smile seeing the connection between the trio. Sakura walks over to me and watches her children laughing and talking. "I miss seeing this..." She whispers. I nodded and took her hand "Indeed...so do I " Sakura and I have been distancing ourselves ever since Aoyama died well I felt it was before she even died. I smile seeing Miso messing up Ambrosia's hair. "That's enough now, Get ready...I'm calling the Kenzo family for a nice dinner" "You mean Grandpa and Grandma are coming?" Ambrosia asked I nodded. Sakura grabbed her hand "Let's get dressed my love and perhaps let me do your hair" She dragged her to her room. I look at the boys "Go get ready, meaning bathe...You stink" I smirk and walked over to the war room to send my father a letter. "HEY, WE DO NOT STINK!" They yelled.

Ambrosia's POV

I wrapped the robe around my body waiting for the Maid to get my bath ready. Mother was laying many kimonos on my bed. I sat on the bed, "So many to choose from..." I looked at them. "And many more coming" She laid more. One has caught my eye "Wait, this one...I love it" I picked it up and stood in front of the mirror and laid it on top of my body to see how it will look like. My mother smiles "That one suits you" The maid walks out of the washroom, "The water is nice and warm My lady" She bows. I nodded "Your dismissed" she nods and leaves. "Go ahead and bathe my love, I come back to do your hair" I nodded and watched her leave. I walk over to the washroom and watched the water with roses, The stream smelled like roses. I stared at the water "Missing something.." I summon Cherry blossom into the water now it smells between roses and cherry blossoms. I took off my robe and got into the water. Letting the warm water hit my cold pale skin. I grabbed a brush and began to brush my hair to untangle it then proceeded to wash it with the scent of roses, I finished my hair and tied it into a high bun. I Sigh and look out the window that was almost the size of the wall. I could see the northern lands from here. I scrubbed my body and then stayed there letting the scent of roses sink into my skin. My mind wanders to Sesshomaru. I closed my eyes and went underwater. My thoughts only filled images of him but slowly images of Naraku came to mind with a dead Sesshomaru, I gasp and quickly sat up opening my eyes, coughing from the water. I heard a knock "My dear are you okay?" I heard father. "Y-Yes, you just scared me that's all" I call out and rubbed my eyes. "Your mother is waiting for you" I got up and put on the robe, "Tell her to come in, I'll be out quickly" I heard him leave my room. I look into the mirror and sigh "What was that about?" I mutter. 

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