"My Name Be Stuff!"

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I just randomly thought of this quote and I find it hilarious. I really want to find a way to incorporate it into a story. I can just imagine it being said in a surprising amount of situations. Like if you wanted to come up with a name because someone asked you and they are threatening to kill you if you don't tell them so you just blurt out, "My name be Stuff!".

I have an odd sense of humor.

If you want to ask me random questions about my thoughts on stuff, this is a pretty good way to do it. Considering you'll be pretty much the only person commenting, it's likely I'll write a section thing about it.

I can think of a number of quotes that are hilarious, especially in the right situations. Like, for example, "I have a giant teddy bear and I'm not afraid to use it!" I find that very funny.

Well, uh... see you soon? I should really come up with, like, a signature end thing.

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