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Waverly picked up the glass of whiskey and swirled it around slowly, watching as the dimly lit bar still made the liquid shimmer slightly. It was fairly hypnotising, much like watching bullets fly out of her shotgun, one after the other. She was surprised at how it felt; Waverly had assumed she'd feel. Well. Something.

The cheer of the crowd behind her broke her hypnosis. Looking over her shoulder, Waverly rolled her eyes - Wynonna was stood precariously atop a bar stool, singing loudly although there wasn't any music playing. Her shirt was also drenched in various alcoholic drinks; really it was a wonder how she was able to get drunk considering how much she often spilt on herself.

"I didn't know Shorty's had wet t-shirt competitions."

The younger Earp jumped, suddenly realising Nicole was sat on the barstool beside her.

"Sorry," the redhead said quietly, leaning in slightly. "I didn't mean to scare you. It's just Wynonna seems to make such a habit of this that it may as well be a thing now." She pointed to where the elder Earp was skipping around the room, still being cheered on by a horde of soldiers.

Waverly took a sip of her whiskey before opening her mouth to speak, only to find Nicole had got there before her.

"About what I said earlier," the Sergeant was blushing. She wasn't just a little bit rosy, she was full on cheeks-matching-her-hair red. And it was adorable.

There was a pause. A really long, slightly awkward pause where Waverly wasn't quite sure what she should do. She could say something, but what if Nicole was trying to find the right words to say something herself? She could... smile? No, smiling wouldn't do anything other than make things even more awkward. Maybe she was the one making things awkward?

"Waves," Nicole mumbled, putting a hand on top of Waverly's.

The brunette flinched slightly a the warmth of the Sergeant's touch, but she couldn't deny how calming it felt. Waverly looked from their hands to the redhead's face and felt the corner of her lips twitch; she wasn't able to not smile and the seemingly cheeky glint in Nicole's eye didn't help.

It was cliche and Waverly loved it; slowly but surely, Nicole leant in ever closer till their noses were brushing up against one another. She could feel the redhead's breath on her lips, smell her perfume; she smelt like vanilla-dipped donuts. Waverly smiled as now even their lips brushed together for a split second; she loved the smell of vanilla-dipped donuts.

Closing her eyes, Waverly chucked all her eggs into one basket, so-to-speak, and kissed Nicole. It was clumsy, and it partially failed, her lips mostly connecting with the redhead's chin, but with a bit of realigning, it was pure perfection.


The brunette's eyes snapped open. Wynonna was sat in front of her, downing what had been the remainder of her whiskey. The younger Earp looked around the bar but, as she feared, the redhead was nowhere to be seen.

"Can you get me another drink, baby girl?" Wynonna leant in close to her sister, whispering far louder than Waverly had thought was possible. "Shorty is refusing to give me any more booze and I don't want the party to stop."

Waverly rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No, I think it's time we headed home if Shorty won't serve you anymore.

"Waves," Wynonna groaned, dragging out every possible letter she could of her sister's name. "I don't want to go home yet. We're all having so much fun."

"So much so that someone else has already taken your place?" Waverly took hold of her sister's arm and led her towards the bar door, her heart breaking a little as she saw the realisation in Wynonna's face; a drunken soldier was no dancing on a bar stool, the crowd still cheering.

Waverly put her hand out to open the bar door and instead felt something that was both soft and hard at the same time. She looked up and saw Nicole smiling at her, cheeks blushing.



A/N: Ooooo so that happened..? Let me know what you think in the comments! XD

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