One day I woke up. and just then and there, the pain hit me.
"why me?" I quietly asked in pain.
my brother Logan came storming in my room.
he quickly saw that I was having one again.
I was having.. another heart attack.
this happened to me about 7 months ago and the doctor said that there was a slight possibility that I would have another one.
my brother quickly dialed 9-1-1 and a operator picked up.
"hello 9-1-1, what is your emergency?"
"were sending a medical crew to come pick her up and bring her to the nearest hospital. please call your parent or guardian to let them know what is happening."
*line goes dead.*
we don't have parents. they died in a plane crash when I was 9 and my brother was 12. so now we live with my aunt who has been so nice to us ever since.
Logan's POV
"aunt Cathy.. Amanda is having another heart attack!! meet us at the hospital!"
"I'm leaving work now. I'll be there soon."
*paramedics show up*
"she's having a major heart attack, it's a good thing you called when you did." says the paramedic.
"thanks, me too." I said.