To: Tom

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It was just in one day.

You were one of the cute popular boys in school, while I tried as hard as possible to stay invisible until we graduated. I barely caught any guys attention, but you were the first that thought otherwise.

We have never talked to each other when we were in school. It was only natural, especially since we didn't even have a class together.

It was during the last field trip of my photography class that we were suddenly enclosed into the same space. Your ceramics class ended up being in the same bus as my photography class. You and your friend ended up sitting across from me and my friend.

Glances were being shot between the two of us. When one looked, the other turned away. It took us a few glances before you finally decided not to look away and actually smile at me.

It was the kind of smile that I didn't trust, especially since it came from a guy I didn't know.

Even though it was sketchy, it made the butterflies in my stomach suddenly flutter.

As we went through museums and exhibits, you were just close by. I looked at acrylic paintings, while you were just a frame away, looking at photographs. There were no words being spoken, but fireworks were exploding.

At lunch, you sat with me and my friends. You didn't know any of them, and a lot of them even stared, confused as to why you were with us.

You sat in front of me, and I felt shy. I mentioned how I loved coffee, so you started talking about the different kinds that there was. I, then, talked about how I adored Frank Sinatra, so you start listing out songs.

A friend of mine didn't know him, so you immediately cut in and told us how you thought he was "the best musician of all time!" It made me feel special, seeing your eyes glisten as you looked at mine. You wanted to impress me, and so did I.

I'm pretty sure our friends noticed.

Although we only had one day, it still crosses my mind from time to time.

You will always be the first guy that made me all giddy and excited to have gotten your attention.

I still love Frank Sinatra and coffee to this day. I'll just hope that one day we'll be able to talk more and get to know each other.

For now, let's just continue to look at each other's social media. Both just looking and liking each other's pictures.

No words being spoken.

Both just too shy and waiting for one of us to get the courage and DM.

From the girl who likes plain black coffee,

To: TomWhere stories live. Discover now