Part 2

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The restaurant is classy, but the decor clearly hasn't been updated since the mid-nineties, and, for some reason, that puts the pair of them even more at ease. No pressure to act overly proper here.

"This feels... nice," he says to her, as they walk into the reserved dining room, hand in hand, arms swinging back and forth. "Being out in public, in the presence of family."

Christina hums a little allowing herself to relish the moment, relish in simply holding his hand, relishing in not having to be on alert. Christina allows him to lead her to a table with his hand on her lower back. Adam pulls out her chair like a gentleman and helps her situate herself at the table.

No one seems to schmooze very much, which strikes Christina as odd, but she's happy that she gets a moment to relax, take it all in before she is inevitably introduced to Adam's family and family friends in such an important event.

They're at the table for barely a minute when Julia flies into the room, her two boys laughing as they clutch on to each of their father's legs. She's all smiles, all grins, when she makes her way over to Patsy and Fred at the head of the room. "Mommy! Daddy! Happy anniversary! How does anyone stay married this long?" She bends, gives her mother a peck on the cheek and then throws her arms around her father's neck for a moment.

"Seriously, let me know your secret!"

When everyone's had their fill of pinching cheeks and complimenting mother and father, Julia and Michael take seats at the table with Christina and Adam.

Julia focuses her attention on her brother and Christina. "Christina, fab dress. I would kill for your cleavage! And Adam Levine! I hope you have something prepared, mom mentioned something about wanting you to say something. And me... I mean, she wants us both to say something."

"Oh, umm...yeah, sure. Of course."

Julia smiles with approval and turns her attention to Michael. Christina leans into Adam and whispers "You know what you're going to say?"

"Absolutely no idea. I'll figure it out." his voice wavers slightly indicating that he's not so sure he will figure it out.

"Okay," Christina breathes, "We'll look up a quote about love, quickly." With that, she whips out her Blackberry and stealthily, holding it under the table, searches for a quote. "Okay, so use... this one!" She lets Adam read it before sneaking it back into her purse. "Then just talk about what amazing parents they were and you can embellish... then cap it off with 'Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more! Toast, boom! Done!"

Christina makes it sound so easy; she makes everything sound so streamlined and simple and he's so incredibly glad for it. With ease, Adam slings his arms around the back of her chair and pulls her into a half hug. "I hate how easy this stuff comes for you," he jokes.

"Or you love it," she shoots back, indignant but amused.

Adam smiles, "Or, you know, that."

The prime rib, as it turns out, is delicious, and Christina has to quell the moan that threatens to rise up in her. There's another couple that is seated at their table, the Webster's, who used to live down the block from the Levine's when they lived closer to the town center. Alice Webster asks Christina just about everything she can about how being a famous singer works for her.

When Alice excuses herself to the lady's, Christina leans over to Adam, "I think she's a fan."

Before dessert is served, the celebrated couple is urged to say a few words, as though this portion of the evening hasn't been planned.

"I'd uh, I'd like to thank you all for... coming. Even my sons and daughter, who managed to drop everything at a moment's notice thanks to Patsy's... poor sense of scheduling, managed to be here." Fred wrings his hands for a moment, clearly uncomfortable having to be in front of a group of people.

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