Chapter 10 (holy jeebus)

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(Nikki's POV)


It had been about 4 minutes since Max left so I decided to go to the car to see if he's alright, but I find Sasha, my childhood enemy, my bully, the girl who traumatized me, kissing Max. Why? Does he really love her? Did he come to the city just to see her and bring me along to shove it in my face? No, he wouldn't. But why is he here kissing Sasha even though he knew I hated her? I can't speak, I can't move, I'm frozen. 

"Nikki! It's not what it looks like!" Max shouts. I finally get my voice back.

"Shut up. I see how it is now, of course you'd go to her, she's so much better than me. Of course you'd go after the perfect fish in the sea, bye Max." I can feel my heart breaking as I say those words. 

"No, Nikki!"

My eyes fill with tears. I can't take it anymore, I run towards the park.


I run towards the first thing I see, the giant tree in the middle of the park. I start climbing as fast I can. I finally stop when I reach the top. I can hear Max climbing up behind me, although he's not a pro at climbing trees like me. 

"Nikki! I need you to listen to me for one damn second!"

He can't see me that well since I'm so high, but he can hear my soft sobs. Once he catches sight of me, he starts to climb faster. I can't climb higher, instead I climb to the other side the tree. 

"Nikki! I'm sorry."

That catches me off guard, Max doesn't apologize that often. He catches up to me and sits across from me. 

"Nikki, I really am sorry."

"Why? You have Sasha, you can go ahead and run back to her. I'm fine on my own." Max shakes his head. "I don't want Sasha." he says quietly. "Why not? She's perfect for you, she has the perfect body, the perfect reputation, she's incredibly rich, she'd be your queen-" 


I go silent.

"I don't want someone like her... she's a bitch. You're not. You're so carefree, you're nice, you're brave, and you're cute. You're all the things Sasha isn't, that's why. Nikki, I love you for who you are, you're my best friend, besides, I don't want some bitch as a girlfriend." I can feel my eyes flooding with tears. "So you two aren't a thing?" I say trying not to let out a loud sob. "No, of course not you dumbass" he says with a small smirk. I let out a choked laugh and that's when I lose it, I start openly crying and hug Max as tight as I can. "I'm so glad!" I choke out. I bury my face in his shirt as he holds me. After what feels like an hour, I finally stop crying. "You wanna go back to campus?" "Yeah"

As we're walking back to the car, Sasha runs up to us. "Max! Why are you walking with this disgusting piece of shit?! Can't you see, she's not like the other girls, it's been clear since we were 10! She's an outcast!" Max turns with a grim look on his face. "An outcast? I'd rather be with an outcast than a bitch" Then he takes my hand and walks to the car, leaving a dumbfounded Sasha. 

"Thanks Max" I manage to say when we get in the car. "No problem Nikki" He says with a rare smile. We head back to campus. 

AACK I'm sorry for not updating in a while pls forgive me school has started and it's been hard getting a chance to update this (T ^ T)

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