Chapter Three {3}

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April 1st, 2017

It's April Fool's day.
I've officially avoided everyone at school today so it passed rather smoothly. Lillie keeps doing goofy April Fools jokes and I've laughed quite a bit.
Inside a small part of me hoped that you would come back and this would all have been a joke.
But I know that won't happen.
I still remember your smile. I remember the freckles that kissed your nose and the way you always smelled of cologne.
I'm so angry. Why? What went wrong? You promised before you left that you would still keep in touch. Together or not we were best friends before anything.
Now the realization of us being nothing constantly flashes before my eyes.

Sincerely, Your Flower

I walked downstairs wearing an old baggy t shirt and my duck slippers. My hair tied in a messy bun on the top of my head. Mom was once again at work and who knows where my dad is.

He left when I was 8. Mom refuses to speak of him, and he doesn't call.
I've gotten use to be alone now.
I grab some gold fish crackers before plopping down on the couch, turning on F.R.I.E.N.D.S off Netflix.

A knock on the door ruins my marathon, and I grumpily tread towards it.

"Well don't you look attractive" Lillie says sarcastically before brushing past me and jumping on the couch. I roll my eyes before following after her.

"Hey! Don't change that!" I snatch the remote out of her hand and flip it back to my show.

"Seriously, F.R.I.E.N.D.S is so old. Why can't we watch something like Shameless or Insatiable?" She asks

I grab a handful of gold fish and toss at her face.
She glares at me,
"Bitch, go shower so we can go to the aquarium."

I start up the stairs,
"And change your attitude while your up there Quacky!" She shouts playfully. I look down at my duck slippers, laughing before getting into the shower.

"Are you sure we're allowed to be here?" I ask her skeptically, when we get to the aquarium. The lights were turned off, and it still had the closed feel.

"It's open for us okay? Uncle gave me the key and said we could be here and that Kerry was in the back." She states rolling her eyes and shutting the door behind us. I shrug my shoulders, who cares anyways.

"Girls! It's so glad to see you!" Kerry shouts hugging me and Lils.

Kerry was one of the workers who operated and ran the aquarium. Her and her husband Greg. Kerry was 24 and Greg was 28.
She was a short woman, at 5'3 but she was tough. She had curly auburn hair and blue eyes.

"It's good to see you Kerry" I tell her hugging her back. "Where's Greg?"

"He's out on business right now, he'll be back next week, how are things with you and that one guy?" She asks walking us towards the dolphins exhibit.

I inhale deeply before answering, "we broke up."

"Where's the new dolphin?!" Lillie squeals changing the subject.
Kerry laughs before showing us the way.

There were four dolphins, now five. Waver was the oldest hence why the aquarium was called Waver's, then Flipper, Rota was next and Foxxy was the baby.

"This is Tulip" Kerry tells us.
Tulip was a smaller dolphin. I noticed a bandage was wrapped around one her fins.

"What happened to her?" I ask.

Waver's Aquarium was a rescue exhibit. They saved the sick or injured animals either permanently or just until the animals treatment was over.

"Poor thing was caught in a fishers net" she tells us.

Lillie grabs one of the water guns and sprays Kerry.

"April Fool's day!" She shouts before running off.

"Oh it's on now!" Kerry shouts grabbing the other and tossing me one.
I laugh loudly before spraying Lillie.

Maybe things wouldn't be that bad after all.

Sincerely, Your FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now