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"No! You're not doing that." Guanlin said with a firm voice.

I knew it would end up like this... Seonho is too pure and good for what I told him to do. Guanlin thought.

"But-- but I still want you to do all the things that you haven't done yet and live longer and build a family. A family that you can bond with..." The girl said with weak conviction.

Guanlin held her hands and pulled her closer using the last bit of his energy just to wipe her tears off.

"It doesn't matter if there are many things that I haven't done yet. What matters is, all the many things that I have done and enjoyed with you," their foreheads met as Y/n's tears still streamed, "and a family without you... isn't perfect if my wife's not you..."

"I will always be with you. In here," she pointed his chest.

She pulled away from him and exited the room. And there was Guanlin. Frustrated, angry, devastated, hopeless, and all the bad things. But that was just until a nurse came barging in.

"May I request everyone to exit the room. We are starting Mr. Lai's surgery soon. A donor has just arrived."

And with that message, Guanlin felt happy yet nervous.

Arrived? So it's not her because she's been here already a couple of minutes ago.

With what he thought, he brightened up.

As he was transferred to an operating room, he came across Y/n. She looked so haggard from all the crying.

Guanlin felt reassured that it wasn't her but the expressions and her actions made him feel so bad.

Y/n smiled at him sadly.

She showed him two letters and both of the letters had names. One was for Y/n and one was for him.

That hand writing is so familiar.

Even before he could ask from whom it came from, he already entered the operating room. That's when he saw a familiar face seated at the sink where surgeons wash there hands. He had a very bright smile as he waved at him.

With a smile and a tear, Guanlin waved back as he realized from whom that letter came from.

Thank you, Seonho. I will pay you back in our next lifetime together.

i love you ➳ lai guanlinWhere stories live. Discover now