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As I strolled around the halls, I felt so tired. I ran a whole quadrangle earlier, just for fun.

I was bored because Seonho isn't here he's on his dance class.

I felt so tired that I wanted to lie down. So I went to the field that was just a few meters away but walking those few meters felt like walking a kilometer because I felt so tired, I started to feel dizzy, I had a hard time breathing and then the next thing I know is that everything went black and that I heard someone call my name.

"what have I done? I still want Guanlin hyung to live yet I ditched him and went to my dance practice." I heard someone sob. When I lifted my head, I saw Seonho. He's crying on my bed with his head lying down on his arms.

"Hyung... Pls wake up. We're still too young. I don't want you to die. I'm so useless. I'm such an idi--" I cut him off by interrupting his words.

"No, you're not. It's not your fault that I collapsed. I was such an idiot for strolling the wide halls--"

"Hyung!! You're awake! I thought you were gone... Because of me..." he said as he embraced me and sobbed again.

"Hey... I'm fine." I chuckled at his concern.

"The next time, don't stroll and run around. You know you can't get tired!" Seonho said as I accepted his embrace.

It's just so relieving to know that there's still someone who cares for me except for my family.

"I will really trade my heart next time if you do that again." He joked.

Well, I thought it was just a joke. But now that he already did it, I felt so special and so lucky.

All my life, I felt so unlucky and bad because of this heart disease. Yet Seonho's there. Living without a family. Trying to survive a day by working overtime.

I approached the coffin as I cried out all of me. Now that I can already cry all out, I did it as I held a bouquet of flowers. Hoping for him to get out of it and continue living with us.

As I dropped the flowers, I remembered his bright smile and his last words on his letter.

"Hyung, I love you so much. I know we'll meet again. Maybe not in this lifetime but we will. You'll see my handsome face again, don't worry.

I love you. Take care of my heart as you love the first girl I've ever loved. Love her with all my heart. Never hold back and never let go of her. Y/n's the best.

For the last time, I love you. I'll remember all our memories that took us forever to make and cherish it like a beautiful flower.

Love, Seonho"

Knowing that he also let go of Y/n because of me, made me feel more special.

I will take care of her as I take care of your heart.

Till we meet again.

Thank you, Seonho.


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i love you ➳ lai guanlinWhere stories live. Discover now