i was the one you love,
the one you hold on to,
i was the one that made you laugh,
your crazy laugh still lingers,
your watery eyes i can still see it,
where i got lost into your soul,
i can't focus on my life now,
i wish i can go back there, with you,
the songs keep pulling me back to you,
the people keep reminding me of you,
i am lost in my own imagination of you,
crying, crying for that time to come back,
but i know, it's impossible,
you left me i'm tied,
now tell me to where to go,
to the left where nothing is right,
to the right where nothing is left,
i'm sorry,
i still can't get over you.
unspoken words
Poetrywhen i can't describe our feelings, this is what i do. sometimes i bottle up my feelings. it gets worst. it starts to kill you slowly from the inside. welp don't read it if you think you can't handle it. heh