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Heylow! It's Morgan!

Thank you AsylumFreakinEmpire for the idea of making a book of Randomness for the account.

This is where we will update you followers about stuff, like maybe what books were creating, we'll ask you questions, most likely about what kind of books you want to read, updates, and more!

Just so we understand, I am the founder of this community account, but I'm not the leader. Everyone on this account in equal, there is no leader/president/higher up, etc.

Everyone is recruiting members, but, I will be the only one giving out the password, as to try to avoid any drama. The password won't be given to just anyone.

The members can ask others if they would like to join, and then ask me if that's okay. If they trust you 100%, you'll most likely get the password.

Okay! I believe that's all!

Adiós mis bellezas! 😘

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