|2• Will you Marry me?|

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Another Week Later..

"What The Hell!!!" Mukti exclaimed loudly making Manik look up from his coffee at the breakfast table and Pallavi stopped with her work of frying parathas from the open kitchen.

"What's the matter? Everything okay, sugar?" Manik asked her, worried as he took another sip from his coffee as Pallavi too came up on the table.

"I just don't believe this! How I mean HOW?" Mukti spoke up again, holding her head between her hands as she threw the card on the table.

Manik picked it up that instant, for he wanted to know what bothered his baby sister so bad!

It was a simple wedding invitation of Nandini, her best friend.

"Mukti? Your friend's getting married?" He asked, confused.

"That's exactly what's shocked me so bad Manik Bhai..!! Nandini getting married? So SOON? I knew she didn't want to. She wanted to pursue MBA after graduating, work in a good MNC. Where did marriage come from?" Mukti exclaimed, her breakfast long forgotten.

"Beta, maybe she has her own will in this? Pallavi spoke up this time.

"Nahi Daima. I know her so well. I'm sure its the doing of that witch step mum of hers and that ghastly step sister. And I know it's solely their plan to send me an invite just a day before the wedding! So that I'm in no way able to help her!! "Mukti reflected bitterly.

"If it's what you're saying, then we need to do something about it." Manik replied, circling the rim of his coffee mug as he looked at his sister.

"Whose the guy anyway?" He asked.

Mukti looked further into the card, and fresh lines of worry descended upon her face.

"Some Harshad Saxena." She read out aloud.

"Harshad Saxena? Now why does that name sounds familiar?" Manik stressed on his memory when it hit him.

"This guy if that's the one referred to in the card, then we need to do something for her immediately. Harshad is rich, but equally rotten from inside. He's a womanizer, married and divorced twice, He's into gambling and from what I know is addicted to drugs too." Manik stated the facts.

"Oh God! Mukti pressed her fingers on her throbbing temples.

"How do you know him Manik? Pallavi had asked.

"During Milan Fashion Week, one of the organizers introduced me to him in one of the after parties. Even then he had a blonde around his arms, was loaded with high alcohol and was groping her disgustingly." Manik recalled, cringing.

"Why am I not surprised? I know what that Reema is worthy of! But the question is why is she getting Nandini married off to a disgusting man like Harshad?" Mukti replied, thoughtfully.

"What if it's for the property? Manik suggested. "You yourself told me once that Mr. Murthy had a lot to be distributed among his children. So considering that Inaya and Nandini are the sole inheritors of the property, maybe she's doing all of this for the money?" He added.

"This could be it Bhai. But whatever it is, I have to do something to pull Nandini out of this mess. I'm not letting Reema do as she pleases." Mukti replied, determined to which Manik nodded.


The Next Evening..

Nandini dismissed the maid servant who came up to her with a glass of juice.

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