|20• Morning Bliss|

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100K it is, so here goes the last chapter of Humsafar! ❤


The Next Morning

The sun rose up warm and bright on the world and specially on the snow covered New York. Though the white soft layer of snow would melt away in a few hours making everything brown and wet but still the reflection of the golden rays on the white snow made it shine like molten gold, as the sleepy inhabitants stirred up from their sleep and got geared up for their day.

But two hearts united by body and soul were still asleep in each other's arms as the sun reflected through the glass coloring the room in hues of gold.

It was only the sound of doorbell that broke Nandini's slumber as her beautiful hazel eyes fluttered open sleepily. At first, she thought it to be a figment of her imagination but the sound was persistent making her realize that it was actually true.

Shifting the silk sheets, she tried to get up only to realize that she had been sleeping on Manik's arm and the man had held her protectively from her waist as if she would disappear in a poof of sparkle.

Last she remembered, they had made love till early morning and fallen asleep after that. Nandini turned to look at the bedside digital clock, it showed 11: 10.

She blushed as to how their bodies were tangled together along with the sheets, and a chuckle escaped her lips when she found Manik snoring softly holding onto her with those soft tousled hairs crowning adorably on his forehead.

She didn't have the heart to leave him rather stay in bed, all day with him but the doorbell was continuous.

Waking up Manik was out of question, for the man would just groan sleepily and turn to the other side.

Sighing, Nandini gently got off from the bed and not finding anything else to wear, she threw over Manik's last night's discarded t-shirt and walked out of the room thinking about the visitor at this hour of the morning.

Upon opening the door, a huge smile beamed upon her face as Mukti stood there with a cute annoyed expression.

"Mukku!" Nandini spoke up happily, before taking her best friend in a bear hug.

"How was your hike? But wait, weren't you supposed to be back on Monday?" She asked as the friends broke the hug.

"Hold your horses, Missy! I've been standing out here in the cold since last 10 minutes!" Mukti spoke up, cutely grumpy.

"I'm sorry, boo. Slept late last night, so couldn't wake up that early." Nandini explained and it was here Mukti scanned her best friend from head to toe. The T-shirt sure was her brother's, her hairs were disheveled yet beautiful. Mukti's sharp eyes caught a crescent shaped fresh love bites on her neck and shoulder and the biggest point, her friend was an early riser yet she was up so late today.

"Ah! I understand. Manik Bhai must have not let you sleep enough last night." She replied, naughtily.

Nandini blushed, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ears. Ofcourse, nothing could remain hidden from her best friend.

"Did he confess his feelings?" Mukti asked, excitedly to which Nandini nodded, smiling.

"Yes! I so knew he was in love with you since the very beginning! Tell me about the sex!" Mukti shook her happily.

"Mind Blowing!" She replied and both friends squealed, hugging each other.

"You want Coffee?" Nandini asked as she walked towards kitchen.

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