Chapter Three

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authors note
some chapters have capitals in and others are all lowercase.

don't ask why, i don't know.



On tonight's special of keeping up with the Johnson's, Andrew has some of his business partners coming over for dinner, meaning we aren't allowed to hide in our rooms and eat takeaway like we normally do.


For tonight, we have to wear some of our best clothes and pretend we aren't wishing to re-watching the breakfast while eating gas station quality pizza.

Me? Never.

"Em, are you ready?" My mother knocked.

"Almost! Just doing my hair"

"Okay make sure you're down in five minutes in front of the elevator, Andrew wants to introduce the children"

Oh how fun.

I finished putting my hair in a ponytail, adjusting my dress in my full length mirror, questioning if I should have worn my black dress instead of the deep red one which I had on now.

"Emery? Are you decent?"

I smiled to myself, walking over to my door as I opened it, seeing Jackson leaning lightly against the doorframe.

"Dad and Melissa want everyone downstairs, ready?"

I nodded, following after Jackson as he stopped off at his bedroom to put on some extra cologne before we went towards the large elevator, everyone else already there.

"Now kids here are the rules. Hugo if they ask you what your job is you're a banker, Jackson you have a football scholarship, twins.. don't talk to them and Hannon, you're just fine"

The siblings nodded, this not being their first time having to make a good impression for their fathers possible partners.

"What about me?" I asked.

"Mel? What do you think?" My step father asked.

My mother smiled gently at me, putting her arm around Andrews waist as he put his arm over her shoulder.

"Just be yourself.. all of you"

Suddenly the elevator dinged,  us all fixing our postures as Andrew and my mom let go of each other.

Almost immediately the metal doors opened, out stepping was an elder man and who I'm assuming is his daughter or a teen girl he kidnapped, both dressed in suits much like everyone else here was except my mom and I.

"It's good to finally meet in person" The first man spoke, shaking Andrew's hand first.

"You as well, Mark" He shook his hand back. "And you must be Fleur, or Felicity, your father said you go by both?"

"I do, although many people call me Fleur. It's nice to meet you Mr. Johnson, thank you for inviting me" The dark blonde girl smiled, adjusting her suit blazer.

"Of course, this is my wife, Melissa"

"Andrew has told me so much about you, Mr. Goth" My mom smiled, politely shaking his hand. "We'll let the children introduce themselves"

The oldest son was first, shaking Mr. Mark Goths hand.

"I'm Hannon Johnson, it's an honour to meet you sir"

The man nodded, going down the line of siblings.

"I'm Hugo and I'm a banker" The son who does illegal activity smiled falsely at the father and daughter duo.

Going to the middle child he cleared his throat.

"Hello Sir and Fleur, my names Jackson"

"You got the common name out of your siblings?" Fleur asked, a small smile present on her face.

"I did" He agreed.

Now was the twins, last was me.

What if I mess up? Get my name wrong? It wouldn't be the first time unfortunately.

"I'm Max, the better looking twin"

"And I'm Oscar, the twin you know from AP Biology"

Fleur laughed lightly, nodding as she shook hands with the twins after her father had done so.

"The one who did or didn't set alight the science classrooms trash cans?" Fleur asked softly.

Everything about her seemed to be perfect.

"No that was me" Max admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "In my defence, I forgot there was chemicals in the test tube"

"Maximus" Andrew's voice was deep, shaking his head at his son.

"And I'm Emery for everyone wondering" I spoke up, crossing my arms.

Andrew smiled, nodding at me as Fleur gave me a quick hug.

"I was wondering" She whispered, pulling away as she gave a sweet smile.

We all sat around the large table, food had already been prepared and was just waiting to be eaten.

The whole point of this dinner was so Mark Goth could get to see how my step family and us are, how we behave and interact as well as to get to know us and possibly his new partner.

"Emery, that is your name correct?" Mark asked, putting down his glass of wine.

"It is sir" I smiled politely.

"How are you finding living with your new family? How long has to been since you've lived here now?"

"It's been weird, but I love it and almost two months sir" I smiled back politely.

Dinner went smoothly after that, we all got to know each other better as Fleur and I exchanged numbers, wanting to keep in contact.

I really think I made a friend with Fleur.

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