Chapter 1: Late for School

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Author's Note: Hi! Thanks for reading my story, this is my first time writing a Wattpad story so I have like no idea what I'm doing, so if it sucks, I'm sorry. Also, I didn't do any of these amazing fan arts. So, credit goes to all the talented artist who drew them. Oh, I feel like I should also add I know nothing about Parisian schools 😬 so I kind of guessed. I began writing this story when Captain Hardrock came out but I think it still works with the recent episodes, if not I guess it's an AU. I don't own any of the characters all the rights go Zag animations.

*Marinette P.O.V*

I woke to a small squeaky voice yelling in my ear. The moment I opened my eyes I saw a small red object directly in my eye line. It took me a minute to let my eyes adjust to the light and see it was Tikki with a worried look on her face. Tikki's expression gave me a sudden burst of energy and I quickly sat up and turned to look at her, assuming that an Akuma attack had occurred.

But Before I could recite my classic catchphrase, Tikki squealed "Marinette! You're going to be late for school!"

My eyes widened and I quickly spat out, "What time is it?"

She pointed to my alarm clock on my desk which read 8:20 on the clock.

"8:20!", I screeched in shock.

I only had fifteen minutes to get ready. I felt so dumb for not setting my alarm, my parents trusted me to wake up on my own today, while they were catering an event in London. I had completely forgotten they'd be leaving today. They would be gone all week. Luckily, I wouldn't have to struggle with waking myself up, since it was the last day of school before spring break.

I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to my dresser where I grabbed the outfit, I had planned the night before, a flowy pink skirt, a blue polka-dotted V-neck shirt, and pink flats. Alya said I should wear something out of my comfort zone. I caught a glance at my outfit in the mirror and stopped to admire it. I was pretty proud of the outfit I came up with. I then quickly realized what I was doing and rushed to my vanity embarrassed. I snatched the light pink brush that was laying atop the vanity and frantically brushed my hair. I didn't have time to put it into two nice and neat pigtails so I just left it down. I scurried down the stairs to see a plate my mom prepared for me before she left. Laying on the plate was a chocolate donut. As I ran past the plate, l quickly grabbed the donut and put it in my mouth. I then grabbed my book bag off the coat hanger and ran down the second flight of stairs to the bakery. I ran out of the bakery, down the street towards the school. I ate the donut with one hand and kept a tight grip on my book bag in the other. At last, I had finally gotten to school, I quickly rushed through the door and ran up the stairs to Ms. Bustier's class. I got into my seat as fast as I could. Only seconds later, I heard the class bell ring. Ms. Bustier then walked into the room and stood in front of her desk and greeted us all. After the class got settled in, she began to teach.

Alya lightly nudged me and whispered, "Girl, what took you so long?"

I nervously chuckled and said, "I forgot to set my alarm."

She then chuckled and gave me a warm smile and looked back up at Mrs. Bustier. After that, the school day went by like a blur. The last bell rang and Alya, Nino, and Adrien all joined Me while as I walked out of the classroom.

Alya flashed me a mischievous smile and said "Wow Mari, love your outfit today. What do think Adrien?"

My face began to feel hot and turned a bright shade of red as I saw Adrien look over at me.

He took a minute to study my outfit and then gave me a kind smile, "I think you look amazing today, Marinette."

My face turned a whole shade darker than it was. I couldn't believe it. Adrien said I looked amazing. I was screaming internally but couldn't seem to say anything. I was too giddy to respond. I kind of just stood there with a dorky smile on my face, while tightly gripping my bookbag. Nino and Adrien then turned back at me confused, while Alya turned around and quickly grabbed me by my shoulders to push me forward. I then quickly snapped out of it and was able to walk on my own. I tried to apologize but it came out like a jumbled mess.

Luckily Alya came to the rescue with an Excuse, "Sorry guys she didn't get a lot of sleep."

Luckily, we got to the front of the school before I could embarrass myself anymore.

Adrien then got into his limo. He waved to us through the rolled down window and then drove away.

After Adrien left, we parted ways but unlike usual Alya left with Nino. They planned spend the weekend together for their one-year anniversary, before Alya had to leave on a trip to America to visit her Aunt. So, I walked home alone, it didn't bother me all that much since I had no projects and designs, I wanted to work on, but it still felt weird walking home alone.

While walking home I saw someone standing outside the bakery. As I got closer to the bakery, I began seeing more details of the person. It was Luka! I quickly sped up my pace towards the cerulean haired boy. By the time I got there I was out of breath. It was a dorky move to start speeding towards him, but I was excited to see him.

Still out of breath, I gave a faint, "Hey Luka."

He placed a hand over his mouth and let out a small giggle.

"Hey Marinette"

There was brief silence before he spoke, "Marinette..." he gently grabbed my hands and held them with his. I felt my face heat up and a light pink dusted my cheeks. I nervously looked down to not make eye contact. "You're an amazing girl and ever since I met you my life's been a little brighter." He let go of one of my hands and leaned in closer. He delicately placed it on my chin with his hand he lightly pushed my face up to face his. Our faces were inches apart. In a calming voice, he whispered, "I love you Marinette Dupain- Cheng..." (Bitch I'm sorry that was too much, I had so much fun writing it though¯\_()_/¯. I promise this won't be a Lukanette story.)

He then backed away from my face and said, "I don't need to know if you love me back or not now. I'll give you some time. I'd just like an answer by the end of spring break."

He let out a soft, "Goodbye, Marinette," and left.

As he walked away, I stood there frozen. There was only one thing on my mind, do I like Luka?

Thanks for reading my story :). I know this doesn't have any Marichat but I promise the next chapter will. I spent way too much time on this but seriously thank you so much!!! I hope you enjoyed it and I'll update when I can, most likely next weekend <3

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