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This is a bxb and if you have a problem with me calling my main character a girl name. Then kindly don't read. :) cheers. Anyway. Enjoy.

So I'm using lucky blue smith as Madi 😍

Madison's P.O.V.

5:30 am
i didn't want to go to school this morning in fact, I didn't even want to get out of bed ever again, Daniel hasn't spoke to me all summer he was too busy with his girlfriend, Argh I hated her she's not even right for him. I groan hearing my mum open my bedroom door.

"Madison, get your lazy butt up and stop moping around, you've been depressed all holidays now get up" she sighed pulling the blankets off me and walking out with them.

"MUM. It's cold" I whine getting up and opening my draws to decide what i wanted to wear today.

I grabbed a red and white tee shirt and some black skinny jeans. Topping it all off with my red converse. I smiled looking at my self in the mirror before fixing my hair.

I give myself one more smile, before quickly sending Danial a text, not that he had talked to me at all.

'Danny, you need a lift to school'

Moments later while I was eating my peanut butter toast a message came though.

'Umm yeah, could you pick up Diana on the way? I'll give you some petrol money.'

I frowned reading the name in the text. I was so tempted to tell him and her to find there own way to school even though I offered. So me being the nice person I am wrote back

'Sure no worries, see ya in ten :)'

I quickly put my phone away as I look at the last of my toast, I didn't feel hungry anymore. I sighed grabbing my keys as I ran my hand though my hair. "Bye mum!"

I started up my car and drove towards Daniel house, I rolled my eyes knowing that I had to go pick her up. When I saw Danny my heart almost stopped he was perfect, he's amber eyes that sparkle when the sun hits them witch matched perfect with his sandy blonde hair and light freckles across his nose, I smiled widely at him and he ran his hand though his hair.

"Madi, how ya been" he smirked getting into the car. Giving me a little hug before sitting back in his seat and getting ready for the long drive to school, it sucked living in the country the only school close to where we lived was a two hour drive.

"I've been alright? How was your holiday.?"

"Being honest kinda boring. I mean a love Di and all but all she wants to do is shag and go to the beach in the city all the time not that im complaining the sex is good ." He laughed a little.

Huh, I told you she wasn't right for him. I knew it. Wait Love her. The word hit me like a fraight train I could hear my heart in my head, and my chest was hurting, he can't love her. Can he?.

"You love her? Haven't you only been together for like A month?" I stuttered trying to hold back my anger and sadness.

"I feel diffent with her, it's like she know me better then anyone else does." He smiled widely at me.

"Ok" was all I got out of my mouth. I frowned a little as I drove towards her house. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew him better then anyone hell we used to bath together when we were little. I hated her. The rest of the trip to her house was silent. I kept my eyes on the road and he kept texting her.

Diana walked out of her house dressed in a flower sun dress. Ew. She smiled as she walked over to my car and got in the back. "Thanks for the lift madi" she said as he hugged Danny.

I felt my blood boil. Before I could even stop myself I was being a smartass to her "don't thank me, thank your boyfriend for giving me petrol money" I roled my eyes as I empsised to word boyfriend.

"Madi are you ok?" Danny raised his eye brow at me. I clutched the stearin wheel in anger.

"I'm fine." I spat angrily as I kept driving.

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