Chapter One

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Due to the fact it was his birthday, Alix had gathered us all at his parents house, a place I hadn't been at in years. The house was still painted the same dull yellow as it always had been and a rickety old trampoline still sat at the edge of the yard.

As the sun went down there were various activities going on in the yard. Jake and Evan tossed a football back and forth while Alli and Alissah played bag toss. Manny was running around with the dog and me and Alix sat in lawn chairs beside the garage. Alix's mother had set out a table of food there, which included homemade pizza, bless the woman and her incredible cooking skills. It was a perfect evening.

"Should we start the bonfire?" Alix asked and took a sip of the beer he kept beside him.

"I'd wait a bit more." I looked up to the still orange sky. "Let it get a little darker."

Alix nodded and rested his head back.

"Happy birthday!" A chipper voice came from the doorway.

Alix and I both looked over to the garage where a short white haired girl made her way towards Alix with a smile plastered across her lips. Alix shot up and engulfed her in a hug. "I haven't seen you in years!" He said with sincere excitement.

"Oh my gosh I know." She had to stand on her tip toes to be able to hug him properly.

"How've you been?" He asked.

As they spoke I began to examine the girl. Most girls didn't capture my attention, I would find them pretty, or cute, but none had struck me as 'attractive' per say. She was different. Her hair was long, curly, and white, she reminded me of Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. The hair extended past the middle of her back. Her face was young and innocent without a scratch on it. Her lip was pierced and so was the majority of her ear. The rings she had in were not the kind most girls I accosiated with had. She had her ears stretched and the piercings around them were small silver and blue flowers. She wore a dress with black lace top, a black belt, and a blue skirt that went to her knees. Below them were floral print fishnet tights and blue flats. I was strangely attracted to her.

"Why haven't I seen or heard of her before?" I asked Alix once she was out of earshot.

"Dude she was the red headed troll from middle school." He laughed.

The memory of it came back. "You're kidding me?" The buck toothed, skin and bone, pimply girl from middle school with the stringy orange hair was now hot? "Dude!"

"I know right!" He took another sip of beer. "Apparently when we left high school she got hot."

"Does she-" I began but stopped when I noticed Alix's smirk. "What?"

"You have a crush on the troll." He laughed.

"Dude, she's hot." I reminded him. "Seriously, does she have a- boyfriend?" Alix was smirking. "Girlfriend?"

"Last time I saw her, she had a guy. Alissah says they broke up about eight months ago."

"Hmmm." I watched as she stood off to the side talking to Alix's sister Alissah.

"Dude if you like her make a move." He laughed. "Tell her you are the singer of an electric rock band." He winked.

"Are you sure she was the troll?" Looking at this girl it was hard to imagine she was ever anything but beautiful.

"Positive." He laughed. "Go talk to her." He suggested.

"About what? 'Hey remember me I used to make fun of you in middle school but now your hot so let's make out?'"

"Everybody made fun of her in middle school."

"I don't know what to say to her." I shrugged.

"Go say hi to Alissah and she'll probably introduce you two."

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