Chapter 2

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For a split second, Kate's heart stopped. Could it be? She thought. Is Daisy alive? Did she just fake her death?
But she was wrong, just like the rest of them. Beside McConnor, a hologram of Daisy appeared. Very alive and dressed in black. Funnily, it was like she was attending her own funeral.
"Thank you, McConnor." The hologram said, "Good afternoon, my relatives. If you are seeing this, I'm already dead. Whether we like it or not, I won't be coming back."
This statement made Carter and Kate's hearts drop down to the floor.
"Never mind that," she continued.
"We'll be having a little game, McConnor may have mentioned; the winner or winners will have my bank acount, several manors including my other belongings, and all the data of my research and hardwork. I have a new discovery; one that can change the course of history and decide the world's fate."
The audience held their breath, waiting for her next words.
"But absolute participation is required. And not all may be willing to join. So, those who walk out today will be walking out with 1 million dollars; may I warn you that once you walk out, you can never enter again. Another warning to those who would want to join," her expression changed becoming much darker and serious, "There will be unknown dangers, travel and money will be needed, knowledge and grit are necessary. Good luck to all!"
And with that, the hologram started to flicker and was gone; Carter and Kate were left heavy hearted.
McConnor stood up on the platform again and cleared his throat.
"If you look under your seat, you may have found the check of a million dollars signed by Daisy."
Immediately, Carter took it out and stared in awe. Kate picked hers out too, and so did their Aunt Aileen. Everyone in the room talked in excitement as they thought of what they could do with the money.
"Those who wish to have the money, you can walk out and have it all. While those who wish to take a chance at getting her inheritance, turnover your checks to me."
In an instant, most of them stood up and walked out the room. Only 16 of them where left behind: the Sterlings, the Drews, the Lunas, Andrew Hatten, Aileen Perez, and Carter and Kate.


"Now, listen Jay and Melanie," Natalia Sterling, their mother, said sweetly. "You'll be joining the little game your grandmother arranged."
"But," Melanie(who was just thinking about shopping in designer stores) protested, "Do we really have to?"
"And there really isn't much we can gain from winning her game." Jay added.
Natalia took a deep breath, her smile dissappearing and eyes narrowing.
Oh no, Melanie thought, she's mad, she's mad, SHE'S MAD!
Melanie looked at her brother, pleading him to do something. Jay got the message.
"I mean, we would join but..." Jay said, cautiously. "We would just like to know what we would, umm, gain from such game?"
Their mother leaned forward to Jay and gripped his shoulders, her mouth close to his ear. He could feel her sharp deep breaths. Melanie stiffled a shriek.
"Daddy and I will meet you two in the car, sweetie." She whispered.
And with that, she and their father, Emilio Sterling, stood up and left with a million dollars each.
Melanie let go of her breath(which she was holding) and nudged her brother.
"Are we going?" She asked, looking relieved.
Jay knew his mother faced him with a tough decision: if they left with the million dollars, they will be punished or even disowned and become an embarrassment; if they join the game which they both dreaded... well... they're in the game.
With a few deep breaths, he stood up.
"C'mon, Melanie."


Anne Drew watched as her aunt and uncle walked out the door holding a million dollars each, meanwhile, she saw her cousins stand up and approach her late grandmother's lawyer.
"But, Jay! We have to go!" She heard her cousin, Melanie Sterling, complain. She watched intensely as her cousin, Jay Sterling, whispered something to Melanie; who seemed to have understood and they both gave their checks to McConnor.
"Anne!" Aaron Drew, her father, called her attention.
"I know, dad. I'm joining, so no need to try to convince me." Anne said.
"Good." He grunted, "Let's go, Anna."
Anna Drew, her mother, cupped Anne's face and kissed her forehead.
"Good luck, dear. Contact us if you need anything." Anna said.
"Yes, mom. I'll call."
Anne watched as her parents stood up and left with a million dollars each.
After a quiet sigh, she fixed her blond curly hair back to a ponytail and got out of her seat.


Andrew Hatten watched as his niece, Anne Drew, hand her million dollars over to McConnor.
Beep! Beep!
Andrew looked at his phone and opened the new message.
Unknown number:
Promises aren't meant to be broken, Andrew. And you promised to protect her. Now is the time to fulfill your part, and I'll fulfill mine. The choice is yours...
Reading the message a second time, he pocketed his phone and stood up with the help of his cane.
God, help me with this kid, he prayed as he handed his check over to McConnor.


"Huddle!" Drake Luna called to his children and wife. "Whether we like it or not, we're joining your grandma's little game. And we will win this!"
"Dad," Jake Luna said, "The twins and I can handle this, we will be joining!"
"And winning!" Paula and Pala Luna chorused.
"I like that!" Their father said, proudly.
"Your father and I will be joining too!" Diane Luna, their mother, said excitedly.
"What?!" The children chorused in disbelief.
"Kids, whether you like it or not, you're not old enough to do this alone." Their father said.
"But," Jake protested, "I'm already 14! I can take care of the twins and they can take care of themselves, they're 12!"
"Well, too late." Their father said. He quickly swiped their checks out of their hands and ran up to McConnor.
"DAD!" Jake yelled.
McConnor took the checks.
ALL of them were in the game, no turning back now.


Kate and Carter watched as their Uncle Drake did some sort of victory dance after he passed checks worth 5 million dollars. To their shock, their Aunt Aileen suddenly stood up and pass her own check.
"Carter," Kate said, "Seriously, what do we do?"
Carter knew that they would be homeless as soon as the competition ends which would mean they could use the money, but they could risk the money to get everything they'd lose back; well, except for Daisy.
"We should take the money." Carter answered.
"What?" Kate said, shocked.
"It's a safe choice." Carter said.
"Would Daisy want us to chicken-out?"
"We're not chickening-out, Kate. We're taking a safe route."
"I think Daisy would want us to join, Carter!"
"Kate, can you hear what you are saying right now? You are usually the sensible one here!" Carter raised his voice.
A hush fell down the room, everyone was staring at them.
Kate lowered her voice, "I know what I'm saying, Carter. Which is why I believe we should join."
Carter looked at his sister, straight to her pleading eyes.
"Why did you ask me what we were going to do in the first place, even though you knew what you wanted to do?" He sighed with a smile.
"Shh! Not too loud." He shushed.
Carter and Kate stood up from their seats and approached McConnor.
"Are you sure, children?" McConnor whispered to them.
Kate looked at Carter, with a look that was asking if he was sure.
Carter faced McConnor, "We're sure."
McConnor takes a lighter and sets ablaze the checks of 2 million dollars.
"Daisy will be proud."

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