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Dea wasn't a human person. She didn't care for them or what happened to them especially Elena's little group of wannabe supernatural fighters. But she had an exception.

Liz Forbes. Dea didn't know how or even when the sheriff had wormed her way into the darkness surrounding her heart but she did. Which was how she found herself rushing to the hospital having received a frantic call from said women.

Pushing through the throngs of people she easily spotted Liz at the desk.

"I came as soon as I got your message is she ok?"

The look on Liz's face made her look far older than she actually was. From the ridged shoulders to her tired eyes. "She's fine, she's currently in surgery they're doing everything they can for her," placing a hand on her arm Liz led Dea away from the desk so she could be free to talk to her without anyone else overhearing."but I need you help with something else."

Nodding her head Dea crossed her arms over her chest knowing that what ever the sheriff had to say, it had to do with vampire business. "You know I'll help you what's going on?,"

Sighing Liz took another look around just to be sure no one heard. "Mayor Lockwood is dead. From what I've been told, they thought he was a vampire meaning they put him in the basement with the others."

Tilting her head to the side Dea's brow furrowed in thought. "Wait, Mayor Lockwood was a vampire?"

Shaking her head Liz was quick to correct her. "No, no. It was a mistake. They're saying when Johns device went off, he dropped like the others." Blinking her eyes Liz tried to keep her tears at bay. "I've known that man my whole life there's no way he could have been a vampire, and now Carols going to be wanting answers which I can't give and all I can think about right now is Caroline and-" the first tear ran down her cheek followed by another and another before the tears she tried to hold at bay escaped.

Pulling Liz into a hug, Dea whispered soothing words to the worried mother.


Having left the sheriff after making sure she was ok, Dea headed towards the room Caroline was being kept in only to spot Bonnie and Elena standing together.

She slowed down managing to catch the last bit of what the two girls were talking about.

"-like a spell or something.?"

Dea gave out a small mocking laugh which alerted them to her presence, "don't expect to much of Sabrina here, she doesn't know how to do you?"

Bonnie tightened her lips at the way Dea was mocking her. Ever since they had met there was something about the girl that got under her skin. "No I don't," as soon as she spoke Bonnie wished she had just kept her mouth shut. The look on Deas face was too smug.

"I bet that was hard to say wasn't it?" Looking from Elena to Bonnie she knew they literally thought they had everything figured out. "And of course you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that."

Pushing her chin up in a show of defiance, Bonnie made sure her words showed how much she wished she could hurt the vampire. "Just because I don't know that spell doesn't mean I don't know others. Like how to take down a vampire. Now that spell, that spell was easy to learn."

Giving Bonnie a sarcastic smile, Dea turned to Elena and spoke directly to her looking at her face to see if she had any reaction to standing next to her as a nagging feeling which she had felt since being at her home continued to annoy her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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