Abu Hurairah (Ra) narrates that Rasúlullãh (saw) said: The closest that a slave comes to his Rabb is, when he is prostrating in Salãt, so make supplications abundantly while prostrating.
The Glorious Deen
SpiritualIn the name of Allãh the most gracious, the most merciful. A daily hadiths for you to know your deen better and to increase your faith in Allãh subhanahu wa ta'ala.. In shaa Allah #'Reposting it to renew our Ímãn'
hadith 31
Abu Hurairah (Ra) narrates that Rasúlullãh (saw) said: The closest that a slave comes to his Rabb is, when he is prostrating in Salãt, so make supplications abundantly while prostrating.