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So this is what I imagined Sammy would look like if she was real. hope you guys like this story, i have so much planned for it

"Honey are you alright?"

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a couple times to make my vision clear again. I brought my hand up to rub my wet eyes, wiping away the lingering tears.

A flight attendant hovered over me with sympathetic eyes, examining my whole appearance. I'm sure I looked like a wreck. My eyes were red, stained with tears, and puffy from me trying to wipe away all of them. I don't normally cry very often. I'm just not an emotional person and don't like being vulnerable; but what happened a couple days ago changed my entire life.

I stared at the attendant through my squinted eyes, thinking about her question.

Does it look like I'm alright? With tears stained on my cheeks, red and puffy eyes, my hair a mess, and my fragile body curled up in a ball underneath a blanket in the most uncomfortable way. How could she ask me that? I'm not okay. I'm tired of lying to everyone who has ever asked me that.

"No. I'm not alright. Does it really look like I'm alright?" I snapped at her, shifting in the small airplane seat to get a little more comfortable.

The attendant was taken back and stepped away from me, a flash of anger in her eyes. But the anger soon faded into sympathy again.

"I'm sorry dear but when I went to wake you up, you were crying and I was just trying to be nice. But I was going to tell you that we've landed in Sydney." The women smiled, standing up at her full height and letting me adjust to my new surroundings.

My eyes widened,"We're in Australia?"

The attendant smiled and nodded her head, then walked back to the front of the airplane. When she was gone, I looked out of the window I was sitting by. All I could see was the airport right now, but it still seemed so huge.

I don't think I will ever get used to having another country being my new home from now on. I can already see myself being an outsider to everyone and everything. I mean, I know literally no one and I don't even know the places around here. I don't know anything about Australia.

I sniffed one last time, sighing before taking one last glance at Sydney.


I stood in front of a small house with
my luggage in both hands. I stared at the welcoming home with a blank emotion, taking in everything.

I switched my stare to the mailbox sticking in the ground with "Evans" painted on it with cursive letters. I slowly blinked, making sure that this wasn't all just some twisted dream I was having.

I looked back at the house with the stupid porch and the stupid flowers everywhere. I hated it.

Just as I let out another sigh, the front door opened, revealing who I'm assuming is my aunt. She's supposed to be taking care of me from now on.

My expression stays blank as she quickly walks to me, smiling from ear to ear. The closer she gets, the more I feel like my knees are about to buckle at any minute. She finally stands in front of me, looking me up and down like she was searching for all my flaws. Her eyes finally reached mine, lighting up as they did. They began to water as she reached out to cup my face. I took a step back, watching her hands fall back down to her sides.

She wiped her eyes, sniffing a couple times,"You look just like your mother."

"I know."

I've heard that too many times since my mother has been dead.

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