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The next person who walked in was Ruki. Shu growled and sat down. I looked over at him when the class was paying attention to the teacher again. "Who's that?" I asked in a whispered tone. Shu shook his head. "I think... That's Edgar." My eyes widened and I was silent after that. After class, Shu rushed us outside, but we were stopped from getting in the car by a voice, "Why the hell did you act like that in class?" I turned around and saw the man who reminded Shu of Edgar standing there angry. Shu sighed. "I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else."
The man didn't like that answer. "You're stupid, aren't you?" He growled. "Look, he didn't mean to cause a problem." I stated.
The man began to stomp up to us. Shu pushed me aside, ready to fight the man. That's when my phone rang. The man seemed to step off a little, so I snuck a peak at who it was.
"Shu. It's Jeremiah's parents." Shu and Sam both flinched at the name. He sighed and held his hand out for the phone. He glared at the man. "Excuse us."
He walked off a little and began talking. "Hello. Shu Sakamaki here."
"I called to say my apologies for your son, Jeremiah."
A long pause but I could hear Jeremiahs mom screaming about not having a son named Jeremiah and she kept saying Jeremiahs birth name over and over. Shu apologized one last time and hung up.
The man stood there shocked. Shu glared. "Why are you still here?" He asked. The man shook his head as if he was trying to snap out of something. "Nothing. Im leaving."
As he turned, I could see sadness hiden in his eyes.

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