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I smiled after calming down a little, laying my head on Shu's shoulder. I still had tears streaming down my cheeks. I watched as Sam grabbed Jeremiah's face and smashed her lips on his. Jeremiah's eyes widened, but he slowly relaxed; moving so his hands were on her waist, he pulled her as close as they could get. Jeremiah whimpered when Sam pulled away. She smiled so bright that someone could go blind.
"Why haven't we seen you since well... Why haven't you been at school?" Shu asked. Jeremiah tensed up. "I had to sort out some issues." He looked Sam in the eyes and she stared back. Suddenly her eyes widened. "Are you wearing colored contacts?" She asked. I then noticed how big the green parts of her eyes were. It was obvious when you thought about it, but without knowing, you wouldn't notice. Jeremiah sighed, "it's complicated." Shu walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "We'll listen. Please know we're just trying to understand." Jeremiah stared at Shu for a second and then smiled softly. "When Reiji was done with me and went after you guys, a man found me. He took me to his home and when I woke up a few days later, I automatically knew something was wrong." His hands gently wrapped his hands around his throat. "I had a killer thirst and when I looked into the mirror my eyes were a bright red." He explained. Shu's eyes widened, anger flowed through his veins. He ran his hands through his hair. Before Shu could say anything, a person stepped inside the classroom. I recognized the man as Yuma. His eyes moved from Shu to me to Sam amd then to Jeremiah who was now holding her hand. He growled, hurrying past us, grabbing Jeremiahs arm. "Why are you talking to these idiots?!" He hissed. Angry, I walked up to him and removed his arm from Jeremiah. "Don't touch him!" I yelled, turning to him to make sure he was okay. Jeremiah assured me he was and sighed. "Yuma, please. These are my friends. You already know Shu!" Jeremiah smiled. Yuma froze, his eyes wide. Shu was in the same state. "You're Edgar, aren't you?" He asked. Yuma tensed up at the question, but sighed and looked at Shu. "Yeah. You grew up to be...." He paused. "Interesting." Shu laughed, surprising Yuma.

"You too."

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