Chapter 3

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I’m sorry Hadie I wi-” Lynn was cut off by a screaming mad scientist running down the hall.

“ Guy, I found our killer!” she shouted like a maniac running down the stars in the front of the mansion flinging the result papers that were in her hands.

“ If I didn’t know her, i’d think she was the killer” Hadie implied with an emotionless face Lynn agreed with Hadie.

“ yes, but on the good news, Katherine, who is our mystery person” Lynn said as if he was on the edge of his seat “hold your pants on Lynn because our killer is-”

And all of a sudden everything went black the only voice I could hear was my partners shouting my name in a very worried tone “ Katherine!….Katherine!” I can hear Hadie shouting my name but she sounds like she’s crying but why  

as Katherine slowly wake up she finally realized why she was crying,she had a bandage wrapped around her head and a cast wrapped around her arm “ what…what happened to me?” she question, Hadie stared at her in surprise.

“ Your wake, I thought you would never wake up” Hadie-choked on the last few of her words and started to cry again “ you’ve been out for three days Katherine”  

three days...what about the killer! “ did you find the killer?” Katherine spoke up in a quiet voice.

“ Yes we did but, they were not linked to Annette but at least we solved a case a saved London”.

Geez, three days… I can see why she was so worried about me Lynn spoke up pulling Katherine out of her thoughts.

“The doctor said you’ll have to stay in bed for a while, so you can’t do any work until they say your free to go” Lynn calmly explained to her Katherine nodded her head in agreement.

Katherine put her head down when they closed the door and started thinking, thinking about how she could have prevented this, about how they would have caught him a day or two earlier, thinking about her own family the that she never knew. All of a sudden the door opened and it came to Hadie, her pale face was still puffy and red with tear stains on her cheeks her curly white hair in a messy bun, and her ocean blue eye staring at the floor.

What’s wrong Hadie?” Katherine asked in a soft voice.

“I-” she cut herself off and walked over to Katherine and gave her a hug .

“ I’m sorry” she cried into her shoulder.

“ Don’t be sorry, from my knowledge, I know that you had nothing to  don’t with it, so why are you to be sorry Hadie” she calmly explained to her as if it were her own child crying.

“ Well it’s just I feel bad for you, because you don’t even know what happened and I made you think that it’s all your fault because you made me worry , so I'm sorry” Hadie cried a little more as Katherine held her and rubbed her back calming her down.

Later that day Lynn came in to the room trying to find hadie.

“ Hadie i-” he was cut off from seeing Hadie and Katherine sleeping together with Hadie in Katherine's arms as if she was protecting her from a monster.

“ Awe, now isn’t that a beautiful sight to see” Lynn whispered and slowly walked out shutting the door behind him ending the long week of drama and excitement.

Welp i hope you like it cause theres alot more coming 😉

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