Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Flash forward to Wednesday

So today's the day. The day I leave for California for the rest of the summer. The day I leave my best friends.

Today I got up at 4:45 just to make sure I was ready. I threw on a pair of my VS grey swear pants and a light VS grey hood with a cute little tank top under neath just incase it got hot. I grabbed all my bags and my favorite pillow then went down stairs for breakfast.

Mom wasn't up yet so I was stuck with eating cereal. I pulled out the cute blue bowls and poured my favorite cereal into it, peanut butter Cheerios. I don't like milk in my cereal, it gets all soggy ew gross!, so I grabbed the bowl and went into the living room. I switched threw the channels and turned on MTV, Teen Mom was on, surprise surprise.

"I see you woke up before me beautiful" my mom said turning the corner startling me.

"Oh yeah I set my alarm early. Ya know just to make sure I have everything I need."

"Oh alright. That's nice. Are you ready?"

"What to sit six hours on a plane? Without texting my friends? Oh yeah I'm psyched!" I said sarcastically.

"Look Sof. I know you really don't want to go on this vacation. But it's only for about two months. I promise it will be so fun!" She said trying to cheer me up

Before I knew it, it was time to leave. I slipped on my flip flops, grabbed my bags, phone charger, and head phones then went out to the car. Saying good bye to my house for two and a half months was hard. I've never been away from home that long.

When we got to the air port we went through all the security stuff. The alarm went off cuz I forgot I threw my keys in my pocket by accident. Oops. After we got checked and all mom took me to buy Starbucks and snacks for the plane. I got a large Green Tea Frap with extra Whip Cream. For my snacks I got pizza combos, pretzels, Doritos and Pringles, how heathy right?

"Flight 342 to California"

Mom and I got up and walked to give the lady our tickets. As we were boarding the plane she turned to me and said

"I still feel bad for just blurting out we're going to California. But I promise you'll have a lot of fun"

"Mom really it's fine. I know I'll have fun I miss Chase anyway" Trying to assure her of what I was saying was true.

She just looked at me and smiled.

About two hours into the flight I was board out of my mind. I've played all of the games on my phone, gone through all my pictures and videos, listened to my 'PLANE PLAYLIST' about three times and watched "The Heat" this ride is going to be a long one.


AUTHORS NOTE: I wish I new who my readers were :'( you guys have to comment! I really want to know how my story is to other people! Do you guys like it? Hate it? Don't hold back! Also don't forget the Instagram I made for this it's the same user name as in here! It's @calidream6319 the account is ONLY for WATTPAD it consist of the characters and outfits! I know this was short too I'm sorry <3 XOXO

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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