the meet and greet, part 1.

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{Savannah's point of view}

"Are you ready to finally meet freaking Shawn Mendes?" Vanessa asked excitedly as she stood in front of my house.

"I don't know! I mean, I've been a fan for three years and I never expected to meet him. He helped me through 'that time', and I couldn't be more thankful, but I'm also really nervous." I told her, running around the house to look for the last things that I needed.

"It's going to be okay, he's really nice."

"Of course he is!" And once again, for the fifty third time today, I imagined myself giving Shawn a hug. The one guy that I loved with my whole heart, without him I wouldn't be here, but also the one guy that I could never get.

"Are you ready to go?" Vanessa asked and I nodded. We walked out the door and went to the stadium by train.

Vanessa has been my best friend since we were born. Our moms are best friends and that practically makes us best friends too. Growing up, we always saw each other. We hung out every day after school and never had any other friends, it was really just the two of us. She's basically my sister that I never had and best friend in one. I love her so much.

"You know, I'm glad that you got meet and greet tickets. It was one of my biggest wishes for you to meet him." She said once we were sitting in the train.

"Awh, thanks Nes. I'm happy that I can take you with me. And yeah, I don't know what would've happened if I didn't get them. I would probably freak out! I just want to tell him how much he means to me and that he and his music helped me a lot." I could tell that a big smile appeared on my face. Only the thought about him makes me happier than ever.

There was a dark time in my life, a time that I don't like thinking about. I was depressed and a lot of other things came with it too. Without Shawn's music, I don't know where I would've been. I'm really glad that I got to know him and his music. His music made me stronger as a person. That's why I'd saved my money and bought meet and greet tickets.

"Well, you can finally tell him today!" Vanessa said and smiled.

A few moments later we arrived at the stadium and waited in line to meet Shawn.

"I'm so excited, Vanessa! What should I say to him? 'Hi, how are you?' No, that sounds so basic. 'Hi, I love you.' Ugh, that's so weird. Help, what should I say?!"

"Calm down, Sav. Just do what feels right, maybe a hug? Or just a small conversation? Don't worry."

"Thanks, Nes. You always know what to do." I giggled, getting my phone to check my hair and make-up for the last time.

"Next one, please!" Jake, Shawn's bodyguard who I recognized, said.

It was my turn and I tried to walk towards the room where Shawn was, but I got a little too excited. Without expecting it, I tripped over some cables that were taped to the ground.

"Ouch!" I yelled from the pain. As I tried to stand up, someone offered his hand and I heard a sweet and familiar voice.

"Are you okay, honey?"

578 words
Edited - September 1st, 2018

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