Chapter3 Home Sick

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I stood there. Not sure what to do. No one has wanted to come this soon and besides I usually have to ask them to come. Not the other way around.

"Sure." I say. Not sure where to go or when.

"So will I need anything?" She asks.

"Not at this moment." I say.

"Then off we go."

"If I may ask, do you have any family?"

She stopped in her tracks. I guess it was an iffy subject. "I don't remember my family. I was raised as an orphan you see."

"Oh. Sorry to bring back memories."

"It's ok. I can cope. Now? Where were we?"

In that moment I dazed off remembering the life I had on Galifrey. The amber sky,the long fields the children would play in and he day I decided to run away.

I was laying under a Jay tree. A tree that was so magnificent and beautiful. It glowed a bright orange under the two suns and sparkled under one of the many moons of Galifrey. Then she came. Her name was Seeker and we often talked under the moon light.

"Doctor. She called out. From the distance prancing her way to me. She smiled and I smiled back and it was the best of times.

Then they came. The Daleks, and everything changed. "Doctor, are you ok?" Sky said snapping me out of my trance. "I'm fine. Just remembering my old home."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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