Piper Can't Use Chopsticks

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"What is the use in having a Takahashi Noodle Cup if you can't even eat it?!" Piper demanded, totally exasperated as she glared at the blue-clad woman sitting not too far from her.

Nora chuckled and shook her head, repositioning herself at a better angle on the stool in front of Takahashi's noodle bar to talk to her best friend.

"I didn't say you couldn't eat it, I just wanted you to try eating it without a fork for once and do it the traditional way," Nora chastised slightly, barely covering the growing smirk on her face as she effortlessly got a hunk of noodles with her chopsticks and placed it in her mouth at an agonizingly slow pace.

"Gah, now you're just showing off," Piper grumbled, the tip of her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth in concentration as she tried to maneuver the two little sticks around some noodles. To her great frustration, the chopsticks ended up just pushing the noodles around the bowl. Piper furrowed her brow and looked at Nora with a murderous expression.

"Goodness, you should see the look on your face. It's enough to scare a Deathclaw. I quiver with fear," Nora put a hand over her eyes dramatically.

"You should be scared. I am a reporter after all. All you gotta do is make one wrong move and BAM! Your rear end's in the paper and everyone knows exactly what I didn't like."

"Geez, Piper. What are you going to write? 'Vault-Dweller Forces Diamond City Journalist to Use Chopsticks!' That'll really sell. Everyone certainly wants to hear about our petty dirty laundry," Nora sarcastically proclaimed, waving her hand in a sweeping gesture.

"You aren't even getting to the good and extreme dirty laundry. 'Drunken Reporter Cries on Vault-Dweller's Shoulder Over a Long-Healed Scar on Said Vault-Dweller's Hand!'"

"First of all, that was way too long to ever be a headline. Second of all, I thought we agreed never to speak of that again," Piper pointed at the vault-dweller as the reporter tried to stealthily sneak a few noodles into her mouth with her fingers.

Nora clicked her tongue in a scolding sound, obviously spotting Piper's attempt at surreptitiousness. Piper rolled her eyes but let the noodles fall back down to her bowl. She raised her eyebrows as if to ask, "Happy?"

Nora nodded in response and wound some noodles around her chopsticks as she averted her attention to her dish.

"Y'know, this is getting ridiculous, Blue. I can't work these useless twigs of torture. I need a fork!" Piper complained, huffing in exasperation as she stabbed at her noodles fruitlessly.

The older woman allowed a ghost of a smile to grace her lips in response to the struggle the young journalist was going through.

When she looked up from her bowl, she saw Piper staring at her intently, her green eyes boring holes into her own.

"Give me the fork," she said, her voice more serious than Nora had ever heard. It was almost laughable, Piper's gravity in the midst of such a joking situation.

Nora leaned forward toward the reporter, narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips to match Piper's stern tone.

"On what authority are you requesting this?" Nora questioned, unable to keep the playful twinkle from her eyes.

"Give me the fork, DANGIT!" Piper cried out, lightly smacking the table with her hand.

Nora pulled back with a grin and pulled the fork from its place in her pistol holster. She held it out to the reporter and chuckled a bit at the speed in which Piper yanked it from her hand.

"Yes! Sweet! Now, you noodles, get away from my weapon of mass destruction, I dare you!" Piper laughed evilly, stabbing a chunk of stuck-together noodles and shoveling it in her mouth eagerly.

Nora chuckled to herself and shook her head with an affectionate smile as she amusedly watched the younger girl's antics.

"Never change, Piper."

Yo, guys! I hope you like the pic at the top. It was made by me! :D I hope you're all having a fantastic day!!!

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