Getting to Know Each Other

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YN's pov

I decided to invite Akiza over to my place. I figured we might as well get to know each other. I already know about her being the Black Rose Witch. Not that hard to figure

There was a knock at my door so I got up to go answer it. I was greeted by Akiza who smiled when I answered. I blushed a little at her smile which was beautiful I must admit.

"Hey YN, what did you want to see me for?" She asked as she entered my house

"Not much. Just thought to we could get to know each other" I said as I sat down in my recliner.

"Hey Saber! Where you at, buddy?" I called for a friend

Akiza looked confused until my fuzzy buddy ran out of the kitchen and jumped onto my lap. I started petting him while he licked my face.

"So that's Saber? What kind of dog is he?" Akiza asked looking at Saber

"Saber is a wolf pup that I found injured in the forest and nursed back to health. He decided to stay with me after that"

Saber barked happily sitting on my lap. I chuckled and continued petting him. Akiza smiled and giggled at the two of us.

"I didn't know you were an animal lover. Saber is adorable"

"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me." I said with a chuckle.

"True. I mean that is why you invited me over" she said with a smile.

"Yeah but first let's get this out of the way...I know you're the Black Rose Witch"

As expected, she immediately got worried. I just continued smiling at her showing I wasn't mad or upset. Seeing my smile, she seemed to calm down.

"I'm not mad. The only thing that really upset me was finding out that you also hide behind a mask. You're very beautiful, so why hide it?" I asked now frowning.

"I just don't people judging me. With the mask, it's just my actions they're judging not the person under" she explained to me.

"Well that's not really how things work. They're still judging you as a person even if they can't see your face. That's life, Akiza. There's people out there that will just judge you for your existence alone"

"I just don't know what else to do. My psychic powers have been nothing but a burden to me and everybody that sees me use them immediately are afraid of me. Even my own parents are afraid of me." she explained looking down.

I stood up and walked over to the couch before sitting down and hugging her. She tensed up surprised by my actions but slowly returned the hug.

"Let me tell you a story about my powers" I said breaking the hug.

"I wasn't always in control of them. Hell I didn't even if know about them until I was ten. Pyrokinesis is the one that always did the most damage to my life. Because of it, I have a decent amount of blood on my hands"

"You've killed people with it?" she asked shocked.

"Yeah but never on purpose. It was always because I wasn't able to control it. I lost my parents in a car crash when I was eleven so I ended up wandering New Domino until I met my friends, Yusei and Crow. They helped me out of a very bad place in my life. A place where I contemplated going into complete isolation from the rest of the world practically disappearing off the face of the planet."

Akiza was shocked at my story. I just hung my head as the memories came flooding back to me. I heard the sound of something breaking. When I looked up Akiza had completely shattered her mask.

She looked at me and hugged me again. I was kinda surprised but hugged her back. I'm glad she's no longer going to be wearing that mask. It just doesn't suit her.

A few seconds later, my eyes widened as the blood rushed to my cheeks. A warm, soft feeling touched my cheek and I immediately picked up on what it was...Akiza just kissed my cheek.

She then broke the hug saying she had to leave. She smiled warmly at me making my blush worse before heading home. I was left there dumbfounded. I was not expecting her to kiss my cheek. One thing is for sure though.

"Crow is never going to let me live this down"

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