He meets you

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Deku was walking down the sidewalk near an abandoned building, he stopped in his tracks when he heard gunshots in a nearby alley way. He went to go check it out and he found a blanket with blood on it. When he picked it up he found a baby with its head slightly busted open. The young hero in training started to worry and brung you to a nearby hospital. Even though the baby wasn't his he feared for her life hoping that you would live to see another day.


A knock was heard on Bakugou's door as he was eating his lunch, he grunted as he opened the door to find his ex girlfriend that he screwed awhile ago." She's your problem now." His ex shoved a baby on to his chest Bakugou almost dropping it. Before he could even speak his ex was already pulling out of the driveway , shooting the bird at him in the process. He thought about giving you up for adoption but all that changed when you open your (e/c) eyes to look at him and at that moment he knew that he would keep his beloved daughter.


Todoroki was at a party looking for Deku because he was ready to leave, when he found Deku he was drunkenly dancing around with Bakugou. Todoroki didn't want Deku to drive under the influence and he didn't have a drivers license so he walked, as he was walking he saw a woman put something in the trach can and ran away quickly. He looked in the trash to find a small baby girl sleeping peacefully. He was shocked to find out a woman abandoned her baby, her blood related daughter. He carefully picked you up and headed home.


He was in a hospital room staring at his wife as she was slowly dying. The only thing he could do was stare because his wife had a life threatening disease that could potentially be contagious. Right after the birth they took you to the infirmary to see if you had any diseases that your mother had. After the check up the nurse cleaned you up and gave you to Aizawa, holding you closely Aizawa lightly rubbed his pinky finger on your small baby cheek watching as you opened your eyes to reveal beautiful (e/c) eyes. He silently walked out of the hospital room as the doctors removed his wife's body.

Toshinori (All Might)

Saving the day from chaos was one thing but taking care of a child was another. All Might had recently fought off a villain downtown capturing a gay couple, when All Might fought him off he heard a crying baby. She was from the lovely gay couple, sadly they died do from today and onward he would take care of this baby that was destined for greatness.

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