day three, three pm.

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it was at times like these that i thanked the heavens that i had insisted so much on having a swimming pool for the motel.

it had been my thirteenth birthday, and while me and my parents had an agreement that it would be the year i would start helping with the motel, i had made a few requests of my own. one, i would get to move to a larger room. two, i would be allowed a day off on saturdays. three, we would build a swimming pool for the motel.

they had raised their eyebrows at my third request, but i had explained to them that it would be a way to keep me from boring myself to death during breaks. after all, i would barely be allowed outside, except for school and special occasions anyway. after some convincing, they had finally agreed to all of my terms.

adjusting the straps of my yellow striped bathing suit, i pushed my sunglasses further up the bridge of my nose as i read the words of the book in my hand. i had been working since the morning, and my break had now started, which meant i got to enjoy a few moments on the chaise longue by the pool.

biting my lip in concentration, i tried my hardest to focus on the story being told. however, as i got to the part where the two main characters finally admitted their feelings for each other and kissed, my thoughts trailed elsewhere.

of course, i couldn't help thinking about jungkook or how quickly he had left earlier, even after how close he seemed to want to get to me.

pursing my lips, i shook my head, almost scolding myself. why was i having this kind of thoughts?

closing the book, in case it gave me further ideas that i didn't need, i set it on the small table next to me. closing my eyes, i leaned my head back slightly, taking a deep breath as i allowed the sun rays to soak my skin.

i was almost drifting off to a peaceful nap when i heard something being set on the small table. jolting up, i sat down and pulled my sunglasses down slightly.

"sorry," jungkook quickly apologized, a quirky smile on his lips.

rolling my eyes, i pushed the sunglasses further up my nose again. "i'm not working right now," i spoke, eyeing the glass filled with a clear liquid and some leaves that smelled like mint.

"i know," he took it upon himself to take the chair next to mine, much to my surprise. "that's actually for you. i made it myself. it's a mojito."

"for me?" i arched my eyebrow. eyeing the glass, i gave him another quick glance. "why?"

"because i left so suddenly in the morning," his eyes didn't seem to leave my frame as he spoke. "i had something to tend to. something urgent. and i didn't get to thank you. so that is my sorry, and my thank you."

i let myself ponder on the matter for a couple of seconds. while it was free alcohol and i sure enjoyed a mojito here and there, i also barely knew the guy and accepting a drink from someone i didn't know went against my basic principles.

he must have noticed my hesitation, because he leaned slightly towards me. "i didn't drug it, but then again that's exactly what someone who did that would say. we can share it, if you want."

i felt my cheeks heating up slightly; it was impossible how this man clearly knew how to read my expression already. taking the glass, i sipped on the drink through the straw carefully.

it tasted like a regular mojito, or yet, a good one. a bit sugary, fresh, and the distinct taste of mint. finally giving in, my shoulders relaxed. "thank you, but you didn't have to. you don't owe me explanations."

"an apology isn't an explanation," he shrugged. "besides, i like making drinks. i could've been a bartender in another life."

furrowing my eyebrows, i took another sip. "and how did you get the ingredients for all of this?"

"i borrowed them, from you," i was about to protest when he lifted his hand. "your sister, i believe. hana. she was kind enough to help me on that."

rolling my eyes, i hid a smile as i played with the straw. of course hana would help him, it would only take her a second to be helpful towards him as soon as she saw what he looked like. boy crazy, that's what that girl was.

taking the opportunity to take a look at him, i eyed his features through my sunglasses. he was wearing a light blue shirt, the first few buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up, as well as some jean shorts. he looked more relaxed than i had previously seen him, and i found myself thinking the look suited him a lot.

"see something you like?" the smirk was back on his lips, making me instantly avert my gaze.

"n-no, what are you on about?" i tried to make him drop the subject, the events of the morning still fresh in my mind.

i was sure he noticed how nervous he made me. and if i was being honest, i didn't exactly know why. sure, he was attractive, but something about his aura screamed dangerous and i wasn't sure why that could be.

clearing my throat, i averted my gaze somewhere else. suddenly incredibly uncomfortable in my own skin, i pulled the towel from under me and covered my bathing suit-clad body with it. 

"nothing," he smirked, a hint of mischief in his voice. i decided to ignore it, fidgeting with the yellow straps.

"so..." i trailed off, eyes wandering the view in front of me, not really paying attention. "enjoying your stay?"

"yeah," he nodded. "but there's something i've been meaning to do, and haven't had the chance to."

"what's that?" i dropped the book, eyes now concentrating on him.

bad, bad idea.

he stood up from the chair, hands grabbing the hem of his shirt. before i could look somewhere else, he was already tugging at it and pulling it off of his body. and if it had been anyone else, i'd probably be too embarrassed and look away instantly. however, with him, i found myself in a trance.

i didn't really believe in gods, but if i did, i'd probably think he was an incarnation of one of them. his skin, soft and with a hint of a golden tone, shone under the sun rays. his abs seemed like they had been carved by the finest sculptor, his biceps looked like he could lift a whole bus. and he wasn't done.

no, he had to take off his pants and shoes as well, leaving little to the imagination. and then, he also had to look my way and wink before dashing off to the pool. 

i watched as he flawlessly dove into the water, disappearing for a few seconds. and when he came back up for air, he stole all of mine away.

i was left speechless and immobile as he leaned on the edge of the pool, propping himself up by his arms so he could look at me.

"so, are you joining me or what?"

i debated internally. i wanted to fight the evident attraction i had for him. i wanted to refuse him, to not let his effect be clearly shown in my features.

and instead, i threw the towel away and joined him.


author's note

guess who's back... back again...

well, not really. but i did say i was working slowly on this chapter. i'm still so busy with college, i don't even have time to breathe. so i need time of my own.

but don't think i've forgotten about this story or my ideas for it. i will finish it. i just don't know when.

i can't exactly tell you when i'll have another chapter for you either. but there will be more chapters. i've been reading your comments and i know how much you want them, but please be patient. i won't forget about this.

thank you so much for all the support and love for this story. i will always be thankful to you.

lots and lots of love x

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