day two, four am.

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i wish i could figure out just when i had fucked up so intensely that my life had turned into a very bad crime movie.

i mean, of course i had put the pieces together. this man had a gun and apparently a knack for killing things. and when a man like that grabs you and pulls you into a very dark place, you know things are about to get fucked up.

and so, the only thing that i could have done was play along. until, of course, i had studied just where he kept his gun, and made enough of a diversion to be able to get it from him. these were just basic survival instincts, along with a few seasons of criminal minds expertise.

the plan after that hadn't been the best, but can you blame me? locking him in the basement seemed extreme, even for a killer, but i needed time to think about what to do. should i call the police? tell my parents? tell hana? freak the fuck out?

apparently, i had chosen the last one as i paced back and forth in front of the basement door. i would hear a few bangs every now and then, indicating that he was still trying to get my attention as he banged his fists on the door. i tried to ignore him, but my mind started racing even more every time i heard his muffled voice.

holding his gun in my hand, i looked at it, realizing that if the plan hadn't worked, i wouldn't have known how to use the thing anyway. but, in any case, i needed to look like i knew what i was doing. which is why i hoped emily prentiss did hold the gun as it should be held, otherwise he would be able to tell in no time that i didn't have a clue about what i was doing.

before i could decide anything else, i needed to hear his side of the story. i needed to know why there was such an evil glint to his eyes.

holding the gun in my right hand, i slowly turned the doorknob with my right one, pushing my body inside before locking the door. turning on the light, i found him sitting on one of the rusty old chairs, arms crossed over his chest.

"so, did you finally come to your senses and realize kidnapping is a crime?" he scoffed, eyes looking at the item i was holding. "and you shouldn't play with those things, they're deadly."

gulping down, i quickly shook my head. "i know how to use a gun, thank you very much," i lied, hoping it had at least sounded convincing. "but this isn't about me, are you ready to talk?"

"what's there to talk about?" leaning forward, he shook his head. "even if i tell you what happened, you've already made enough assumptions to not believe me."

"try me anyway," i spoke, still keeping the gun aimed at him as i sat down on a chair across from him.

sighing, he ran his hand through his hair. "i do recreational hunting to relieve some stress."

furrowing my eyebrows, i tilted my head slightly. "recreational hunting?"

"yeah," he nodded. "i like going out during the night and shooting a few birds and shit. it helps with my anxiety and nightmares."

eyeing the gun i was holding, i slowly lowered it. granted, i didn't know much about guns, but this one seemed too little to be used for hunting.

he noticed my suspicious eyes, slowly shaking his head. "i use that gun because it was my father's, and i still don't have the permit to get a better one."

"so, what you do is still illegal," i narrowed my eyes.

"well, yes," he confessed. "it's just... it's something i used to do with him. he passed away last year."

my eyes instantly softened at his words. had i been misjudging him this whole time? was he simply hurting, and needed a break from all that?

"i'm sorry," i instinctively reached out, touching his knee. "i didn't know."

he eyed my hand once, visibly gulping as i quickly removed it. "yeah, it's okay. i've learned to deal with it."

"so that was what the blood was for? did you kill some bird again?" i eyed him.

"yes, and unfortunately i made a mess of my car," he let out a small chuckle. "i know how suspicious that might have looked."

"and why did you pull me to the woods?" i asked. that was still the one question that kept ringing all the alarms in the back of my head.

"i just... wanted to ask you not to call the police or something. since what i'm doing is still illegal, anyway," he chuckled.

looking up at me, our eyes locked for a second. and although he seemed genuine, there was still something off about those eyes. he was beautiful, there was no doubt, but something evil tainted his beauty. and i was still determined to figure out what it was.

but for now, i had to trust him.

handing him back his gun, i let out a sigh. "i'm sorry for what i did. you have to believe me, it looked a lot worse than what it is."

"i know, i don't hold it against you," he chuckled, taking the gun and shoving it in his back pocket. "but it's getting late, we should go rest."

"right," i nodded, standing up at the same time as he did.

as we headed towards the door, i slowly unlocked it before turning to him one last time. "you still haven't told me your name. it's only fair, since you know mine."

he let out a small laugh, the sort of laugh that reached his eyes. that was the first time i had seen him like that.

"all of this to get me to tell you my name?" he shook his head. "you could've just asked, over some nice coffee or something."

i felt my cheeks warming up. hitting his arm playfully, i gasped and removed my hand just as quickly as it had touched him. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to--"

"you apologize too many times, miyeon," he chuckled, his fingers slowly lifting my chin as he looked at me. and that alone made my legs tremble underneath me.

"jungkook," he whispered, eyes searching for mine before he let go. "and i will still expect that coffee anyway."

that was all he said before running up the stairs, presumably to his room.

and what shocked me the most, was that in the midst of everything that had happened, the most dangerous thing was how he had my heart racing with only a simple touch.

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