III - 𝕱𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝕳𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊

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𝕯𝖆𝖞 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖞


I was frantically flipping through the script before the play was starting. I looked up at a poster with the scenes and who was in it. I made a shaky breath. Where the fuck is Romeo?! Oh wait. Speak of the goddamn devil. "Dude, we're about to go up!" I whisper shouted in frustration. "Oh. Oh shit! I forgot my script." He whispered. I rolled my eyes. "Study mines." I whispered and gave him the script. I watched him read and flip quickly. "Hello students! Welcome to the play: Romeo and..... Julian! A small twist!" Mrs. Wilson introduced. Romeo put the script down and bit his lip nervously. I felt myself start shaking. I always shake when I'm nervous. I held my microphone still so I wouldn't make any noise. "-now please wait a few seconds for us to set the lights on and start the play!" Mrs. Wilson exclaimed and walked off the stage. I looked at Romeo nervously. "You're shaking." Romeo whispered, pointing at me. "I-I shake wh-when I'm nerv-vous." I stuttered. "And stutter?" He whispered. I nodded. Mrs. Wilson came to Romeo and me and started waving us on stage. Here we go.

I got into position behind the curtain and saw a peek at the theater. I saw every single chair filled with people, some sitting on other's laps because there isn't enough chairs. I clenched my fists and leaned against the wall. Forget everyone. Listen for your cue. Once I heard my cue, I was off. I acted as perfect as I could, adding the most emotion that fit, making sure not to over do it. 

I let time fly until my favorite part. The part where sparks shoot through my body. The part where he acts like he is trying to get me forever. To possess me as his. I can't let enjoyment show. I need to look worried, stubborn. So I did. I pushed off when I had to, let him hold me when I did. There was something off. Since Mrs. Wilson assumed we were both straight, which we are. Technically. I'm bi so. She made the kiss scene into a hug. I know. Awkward....

Time flew by. It was always so slow when we practiced. I stepped backstage when it was our cue to. I leaned against the wall and slid until I was sitting. I didn't have to go on stage anymore, which was good. "Hey, you realize we have another play next month on the same thing." Romeo said, sitting beside me. "...I thought we re play tonight?" I whispered. He shook his head. "No, apparently there will be some redoing on the stage and stuff, so we do it next month for the town." He whispered back, leaning his head against the wall. "The whole town, huh.." I mumbled, resting my head in my knees that was hugged into my chest. "We are so dead next month." Romeo whisper-chuckled. I smiled. That we are. We listened and watched people go back and forth with their lines until the last scene. Romeo and I went on stage and got into our positions. The curtains opened, we walked into our spots, then a boom. What happened? What's happening? I saw darkness. I heard peoples screams. "Everyone! Calm down! The lights have went out! Please stay in you seats so no one is injured! Thank you!" Mrs. Wilson called from who knows where. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. "Romeo?" I whispered. "Yeah?" He whispered back. "You know it's me... Julian?" I whispered a bit louder. "I know. I just... I don't like the dark.." He whimpered.

I wrapped my arms around him as we heard the curtains shut. "Come." I said and grabbed his wrist. I pulled him off the stage and into the backstage area carefully. "We're backstage." I whispered. Romeo pulled me back into his grasp tightly. I let myself sink just a little into his warm grasp. Why do I love this so much....


I held him close and tried to ignore the voices that echoed back and forth in my head. 'Behind you. Behind you! Someone is trying to get you from behind!' They called. I never listened. I felt Julian's small arms wrap around me. To him, I was like a giant and he was like a bunny. "The lights will come on soon, don't worry." Julian whispered in a calming tone. I started to remember the last time we talked so casually. A week ago, maybe.

'Stay here.' I sighed and walked towards my locker. 'Hey. We saw you hanging with that half fag.' Max teased. I rolled my eyes bluntly. 'Whatever. I need something from my locker. Move.' I spat. I hated them, but they were one of the only friends I had. 'Pssh don't tell me you like him.' Jason joked, punching my arm lightly. I slammed my locker shut. 'You really think i like that fag? Let's show him how much we hate him.' I snarled. We walked up to him. I saw a hint of... something flash through his eyes as he looked up. He chuckled then sighed, walking back towards the theater doors. 'What the fuck do you think you're going?' Max spat, grabbing the back of his shirt collar. 'To be honest, really, I should've fucking known.' He sighed, pinching a nerve on his hand or wrist, I couldn't really see. I heard a bit back squeak or squeal as Max let go and Julian walked off. 

I never felt so guilty like that..

"Hey, Romeo. Let's sit down." Julian whispered. I opened my eyes, frozen black still attacking my eyes. I nodded and let go for us to carefully back into the wall and sit down. I slid down the wall and self consciously held onto Julian. "It's okay." He whispered. I hesitantly spread my legs and sat him in front of me and held onto him like life support. "Why are... You know I'm not going to ask.." Julian sighed. I let the moment sink in. He felt so tiny in my arms. 

After five minutes I let go, letting him scoot beside me. Another ten, the lights turned back on. Julian and I went on stage and the play went on.

After the play, it was so dark outside. I walked to my car and sat inside. I leaned my head back on the headrest and let it all sink in. I hugged him and he didn't protest. How nice. A smile crept onto my face as I backed out of the parking lot. I stopped when there was a tap on my window. "Hey you ass, let me in! Mom wants to go 'shopping' tonight!" My sister, Cally, screamed through the window. I groaned and unlocked the car. She hopped in and bucked herself in. She reached for the AUX cord carefully. I slapped her hand away and drove towards our home, not a long distance. I slowly turned a corner, speeding down a empty road. "Shit, dude! Calm the fuck down, you did fine!" Cally screeched. I rolled my eyes and slowed down. I saw our house so I sped for it, drifting in the driveway. "Jesus! You need to stop doing that!" Cally pouted and walked out and into the house. 

I sighed and turned the engine off, stepping out. I let the brisk night air hit me.

I wish he was here..

Romeo and Julian [COMPLETED?]Where stories live. Discover now