7 - Talk to me...

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" Nic what are you doing here? Everyone else is at the hotel, " I state.

" I needed to talk to you, " he says sitting on my couch.

" There's nothing we need to talk about, " I comment, as I start to collect my things.

" Yes there is, there's plenty, " he says sitting up from the couch.

" Nic what there's nothing we need to talk about, " I say.

" We had sex, we need to talk about that. It's affecting our relationship, " he comments.

" So what we had sex, " I comment. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

" So what? Y/N I haven't felt this connected to someone in a really long time, " he says. I turn away from him, and wipe away a tear that was trying to escape.

" Nic seriously, I have to get ready to go back to the hotel, and we don't need to talk about this okay? " I ask.

" No it's not okay Y/N, I like you a lot, and I know that you like me somewhere. I know it can be hard to admit, but I like you and you like me, " he says coming up right behind me. I turn around, and he has bend over to make eye contact with me.

" Nic, " I mumble. Our lips are brushing against each other. " Nic please, " I mutter. I press my hands against his chest. He wraps his hands around my waist.

" Y/N ARE YOU READY TO GO! " I hear Andy scream.

" Yeah! " I scream. " We can't talk right now, I'm sorry, " I add. I step away from him.

" Why? Why are you so afraid to talk to me? " He asks.


" What is your heart telling you? " He asks.

" What? " I ask looking at him.

" What is your heart telling you? " He asks again.

" Nic what do you mean what is my heart telling me? " I ask. He slowly begins to walk up to me.

" What is your heart telling you? " He asks standing hovering over me.

" I don't know, " I mumble.

" Do you want to kiss me? " He asks. I pick up my head to see him looking down on me. " Do you? " He asks.

" Nic, " I mumble.

" Do you want to kiss me? " He asks. " Do you want to kiss me Y/N/N? " He asks.

" Nic, " I mumble again. He sits down on the couch, and just puts his hands in his face. " Nic why are you doing this? " I ask.

He walks up to me, and holds my face. " Let me kiss you, " he mumbles.

" Okay, " I mumble. He leans in, and that's when the magic happened. I started kissing him back, and it was actually good. It's like I wanted to kiss him.

" Y/N go back with Nic since he's still here! " Andy screams.

" Okay! " I scream. I look back to see Nic grinning. " What? " I ask.

" You like me, " he declares smiling.

" Nic I didn't say that, " I comment grabbing my things.

" Really? " He asks.

" Yeah I didn't say that, " I declare going to the door. " I let you kiss me, I didn't say I like you, " I add as I open the door.

" Are you serious? " He asks.

" Yes, " I comment.

" So you're saying there are no feelings for me at all? " Nic asks.

" Maybe there is, but I didn't admit, " I comment.

" Why are you like this? " Nic asks.

" Like what? " I ask.

" Nothing Y/N/N, " Nic mumbles.

" No like what? " I ask.

" Like you're playing this tough act, and that you don't want to like anyone. I like you so much, and there's something inside of you that's saying you shouldn't like me, " he says.

" Yes the media! Everything! Yes of course I like you Nic, you're the first guy I've actually had feelings for! But I can't! I physically can't form feelings or whatever you want to say. I can't it's not in my DNA! " I scream.

" You can't or you won't? " He asks looking deep into my eyes. I step back from him. I've never thought about that.

" I know it's hard. Yes it is hard to actually give yourself to someone. It's hard realizing that someone in your life could not hurt you. I'm trying to be that person Y/N, please let me be that person for you, " he mumbles resting his forehead against mine.

" Can I think about it? " I ask.

" Take as long as you need, and if you say yes I'm going to be taking you on a date, " he chuckles looking deep into my eyes.

" Okay, " I comment.

" Now let's go to the hotel. I believe the rest of the losers' club and bowers' gang is wondering where we are, " Nic laughs holding out his hand.

" Yeah let's go, " I comment connecting my hand with his.

We begin to walk to the car when slow music comes on. Happier by Ed Sheeran.

" What is happening? " I ask.

" Well we have to dance, " Nic says holding onto my waist.

" Okay, " I laugh. Him and I begin to dance, and him and I are just laughing. " You're such a loser, " I laugh.

" Hey! " He comments acting defended.

" Oh shut up, " I chuckle.

The song ended, and him and I continue to walk to the car. " Wow, " he mumbles.

" What? " I ask.

" You, " he mumbles. I hold his cheek, and kiss him. He instantly kisses me back.

" We should go back to your room when we get to the hotel. To just talk, " I comment.

" Just talk? " He asks leaning in just a little.

" Maybe a little more, but I also get really hot in that room, so I might need to loose a few layers, " I comment into his ear.

" Well let's go to the hotel, " Nic laughs.

Nic's P.O.V.

I am laying down in my bed, when someone bust into my room. " WE HAVE TO GO TO SET IN 5 MINUTES! " Jackson screams. I just up in my bed. " COME ON! " He screams.

" Okay! " I comment back. Jackson leaves slamming the door behind him.

" He didn't see me right? " Y/N asks coming up from the sheets.

" I don't think so, " I comment.

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