"first date" lily pov

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I stared at Jacob's back as he walked back into the garage, leaving me hot and honestly soaking wet. What the fuck just happened, and more importantly why am I letting this happen? Sighing I get off my stool only to find my legs are jello and end up straight back on my ass. Willing my legs to work I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

The rest of the day went along as normal, Jacob spent all his time working on the Ferrari and I busied myself in the office, trying to forget about the earth-shattering kiss I'd shared with my boss, my hot, young, beast of a boss.

I couldn't stop my mind from wandering back to the kiss, not just the way his hot plush lips left trails of fire on my skin, but the feel of his body pressed to mine, his muscular shoulders that I'd clung to, how his abs tensed under my fingers. Most importantly the feeling of his hard còck pressed against me, begging to be released from its confines.

I'm pulled from my daydreams as the object of them walks into the office and smirks at me, his eyes raking over my body as I lean back in his chair with my boots on his desk, somehow the way he looks at me makes me feel both completely naked and extremely overdressed.

Taking the small chair in front of the desk he sits back with his legs apart and stares at me with a stupid smile, "hay" I all but whisper my eyes not leaving his, the silence and eye contact should be awkward but all I feel is my arousal growing by the second, "hay yourself" it's almost a purr, I feel myself drowning in his dark eyes.

"when do you have to pick ash up?" He asks and I'm brought out of my haze, right I have a kid, I can't spend all day having eye sex with my boss, "um I don't know, the daycare is open till like 8:30 I think, why?" I don't even know what time it is I've been so stuck in my own mind all afternoon.

"Have dinner with me" he says not as a question but an order, the authority in his voice makes me unable to refuse even if I wanted to. I can't help the smile that forms on my face, "I'm not really dressed for a dinner date" I redden at my use of the word date, Freudian slip I suppose.

His eyes once again make there way along my body, lingering my exposed stocking clad legs, I really need to go shopping since I only have 2 pairs of full-length pants, I'm so used to being in my denim shorts and a tank top but summer is almost over and if the summer here is this cold I'm going to die come winter.

"You look beautiful" he says, looking at him I see nothing but honesty, his eyes are warm and caring and his smile is genuine and makes my stomach flip, "th-thank you" I mentally chastise my self for stuttering, I don't know how this man makes me feel this way, I'm always so in control over my body and its reactions but around him I feel like a teenage girl.

As I get my things together I send sue a text telling her I'm going to dinner with Jacob and will be home later, she quickly replies telling me to take my time and that she'll pick up ash and take care of Charlie's questions, I can't help but smile at my phone, this is the family that I thought only existed on TV, the family that I could only dream about when I was growing up.

I feel Jacob's hand on my back and turn to look up at him, his large smile quickly fades and is replaced with concern, "is everything ok babe?" His warm hand presses to my cheek and he wipes a tear from my face that I didn't even know I'd shed, "yeah, I'm just .. happy I guess?" I try to shake my head but his hand stays on my cheek, "Sue's gonna take ash home with her so I don't have to worry about him and we can stay out"

We decide to take Jacob's truck and go to a small 50s diner that's known for its milkshakes and burgers, as we enter and the bell above the door chimes I feel every set of eyes glance at us, many lingering on us as we sit down at a booth in the back. A tall skinny boy comes to take our orders, Jacob orders the largest burger they have, an extra serving of fries, and a large chocolate milkshake.

"I don't know how you manage to eat so much and still be so fit" I muse as a watch Jacob take another huge bite of his burger, "I can basically feel this meal going to my thighs" I sigh looking down at my plate. Jacob's warm hand suddenly envelopes my own and I look up at him, "you shouldn't worry so much, you'd look amazing at any size, anyway what is that saying? Thick thighs save lives?"

After dinner we take a walk down the main road, looking in shop windows and chatting about the cars and bikes we see going past. Walking past the arcade I notice they have a pool table and stop in my tracks, "you wanna go in and play?" Jacob asks as his arm goes over my shoulder, the closeness of his body make a chill run down my spine and I simply nod my head in response.

After buying some tokens and some drinks we head to the pool table, "so what do I get if I win?" Jacob asks as I set the table up, "what makes you think you're gonna win?" I smirk and blow excess chalk off my cue, he watches me intently and I see his adam's apple bob as he swallows.

"Fine, what would you like if by some small chance you won?" I ask as I rest my ass on the side of the table, the only time I've lost a game of pool was when I did so intentionally, Jacob takes one long step towards me pressing me up against the table and I'm suddenly very glad we're in the corner of the arcade away from all the family's and kids, "I'll figure something out" his voice is low and husky, "ladies first"

I was going to make more happen here but I'm trying to keep the chapters around 1k words, I know they are short but I'm working with what I got lol

Also, I think they somehow ended up at pops diner form Riverdale, wtf guys that's in like new york not Washington.

What's your favorite thing at an arcade? I always like skee-ball and whack a mole the most.

Originally they were going to go to a bar to play pool then get onto a bar fight (Lily would have kicked some guys ass it was gon be awesome) then I remembered that the drinking age is 21 in the USA 😭

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