Chapter One

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Today was the day. Today I would take my bags and fly to Australia. I wasn’t surprised to hear my parents tell me that they’re shipping me off for the year. They think this will give me a fresh start and maybe even turn my life around. But it wasn’t like I was leading a drug ring or anything of that nature. More like I was home 30 minutes past curfew a time or two.

Was sending me to Australia really necessary? No. No, it wasn’t. Just ground me for a week, don’t send me down under. To my parents, Australia seemed to be the last resort to fix such a  hopelessly naughty kid like me.

“Emily, firme la porte s’il vous plait.” My mom said as we left our small home.

“D’accord” I responded as I pulled the door shut. I walked down to our small car, making sure to take my time. The ride to the airport was far too long and awkwardly silent.

            When we finally reached the airport, my father carried my bags all the way to the gate when I said my goodbyes.

“Au revoir maman et papa.” I said robotically. My mother began to tear up as I left her to board the plane. I boarded the large aircraft and found my seat in first class. A few minutes after I sat down and got situated,  a flight attendant came by, closing all of the overhead bins. It was not a full flight, so from the looks of it, I’m flying to Australia all by myself.

            I looked out of the window and watched the takeoff. I took my last glance at France for a year. I shut my eyes a dozed off. Side note, some plane food isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.


After the initial 10 hours to Hong Kong and a 6-hour layover I was finally on the home stretch to Sydney. I boarded the plane, got comfortable (this time I had to consider the person next to me.), waited for my food, and then watched a movie until I fell asleep.


            When the plane touched down in Sydney, it was like finishing a long, grueling marathon. The end was obviously long awaited; I’m not a fan of planes by any means. I got through baggage claim and had met up with the family I’d be spending the next year with. There was no way I’m ever getting back to France alive, they entire family was a bunch of squares. Not to mention they barely spoke French. How was I supposed to communicate with them? I could only say ‘Hi, I’m Emily, I’m from France’ in English.

“Bon-jur Emily” said my new ‘mom’ for they year. “Jew meh pelle Andrea” Wow. This is how they speak French? . I nodded and mustered a small, fake smile only to be polite. I plopped my bags in the trunk of their car and climbed in the backseat. I put my headphones in my ears, which implied: ‘don’t to talk to me, I’m jetlagged’.    

            My message was received and the ride was silent aside from the small talk in the front seats. I listened to various artists all the way to my host family’s home without interruption.

When we pulled into the carport I opened my door and got my bags out. Andrea motioned for me to follow her so I walked a steady two feet behind her until we reached a fairly large room with contemporary furnishings almost filling the room entirely. Like sofas, chairs and tables in sets of 6 filled the room.

            We reached the room at the end of the hall; I pulled my suitcase behind me and watched Andrea open the tall door. She looked to me and raised her eyebrows, asking if I liked the room. I pointed to myself and raised my eyebrows as if asking if the room was for me. Her features softened and she smiled a warm smile and gave me a few humble nods. My face lit up and I gave her a hug. This time, my smile wasn’t fake or forced.

I did really like the room; it looked very modern and sleek. There was a cool, blue, white, and grey color scheme that really appealed to me. Andrea left me to myself to unpack and get settled. I put my suitcase down on the well-made bed and began to unpack. Maybe this year wouldn’t be torture.


Hi its bubblebutthoran here. Ok when I was writing this chapter i was v v v nervous so please give me feedback bc i want it to be good :) please tell me if this is good legnth for a chapter like too long vs too short, you get the idea. I'm worried it too short uh oh oh well if it is ill make the 2nd chapter longer ok well im overthinking everything now ok im done bye 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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