Chapter 1

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There was a whirlwind of air as Cherry, Atticus, Mo, Patch the dog and sisters Bella and Simone appeared in Drell's wizard lair. Cherry groaned. "You could've just popped us in with your wand!" She said. Drell rolled his eyes. "Too easy. I love to see a whirlpool." He said. Bella smiled.

"I know you. You're Drell the wizard. I read your magic work." She said. He smirked.

"I know. I'm awesome!" He said. "He's also conceited." Atticus muttered to her.

Simone rolled her eyes. "I can't stand black magic." She muttered. Patch hopped on her lap. "Don't worry, we don't have evil magic! We got good magic to help!" He said. Bella cheered. "Drell! Why are we here? Is it cause of an adventure?" She asked. He nodded. "Apparently." Cherry muttered. Drell growled at her.

She backed away in sudden fear.

"Have you heard a story about Macedonia?" Drell asked. Bella nodded.

"Yeah. In social studies." She said. Simone chuckled. "She called it the opposite of Egypt." She said. Atticus and Mo chuckled. "Only Macedonia had a king and queen. Egypt has Pharaohs.
Macedonia has a lot of riches to get food, make money and wear clothing. If you ask me, I could go there for ad vacation." He explained. He used his magic to make a visual telling of the Macedonian place. The gang gasped at the beautiful sights of the kingdom.

"It's pretty." Mo said. Cherry smiled.

"I could do anything if I had that gold." She said. Drell smirked. "Yeah well you're not blood royalty." He said. She huffed.

"So a royal family rule the place?" Atticus said. Drell nodded. "Yes. The kingdom is ruled by King Jeremy and Queen Pattie. They give away their riches to the townspeople to make the kingdom a better place. Then a greatest thing happened to the rulers." He said.

Bella gasped. "Like what?" She asked.

"A child. Queen Pattie was pregnant with a baby boy. They named him Prince Justin. The kingdom celebrated the birth of the prince by holding a New Orleans-Mardi Gras party. Their own of course." He explained. "Wow. They seem like very good people." Atticus said. Drell looked unsure. "Yeah. But there's something about the king that rubs me the wrong way." He said. Atticus and Patch looked closely at the image of the king.

"Yup. You're right. I feel it too." Patch said.

Bella rubbed his fur. "You're a cute dog." She said. Patch smiled and licked her fingers. Mo smirked. "Somebody's a dog person." He said. "What happened next?" Simone asked. "Sadly, the Queen got sick after she gave birth. She died tragically in her bedroom." He said. They saw the image of the Queen slowly dying in bed.

She immediately closed her eyes and stopped breathing. The others looked in shock. "The news shocked the kingdom. But it rubbed the king in a very awful way. He started doing many horrible things to the townspeople. Arresting families who trespassed to find shelter. Killing escapees who wanted to run from his terror ways. He became cruel, cold and vicious." Drell said. A image showed of the king slaughtering a middle-aged man and tears in the woman and children's eyes. Patch growled silently toward the king.

"Damn. This guy is bad news." Simone said. "You're telling me." Bella said.

"The Prince's cousin Deana lived nearby. She wanted to save Justin from the wrecking havoc of the king. That night, she snuck in the palace and took the baby. She ran away from Macedonia to a city." He said. "Don't she think taking a baby is like abduction?" Simone said.

Bella rolled her eyes. "She wanted to protect him from his evil ways." Patch said. "Where did they escape to?" Atticus asked. The image showed a nice colorful city. "Los Angeles, California." Drell said. Their jaws dropped. "Whoa." Mo said.

"Awesome." Bella said. Cherry groaned.

"Does it have to be LA? From what I heard, it's always hot there." She said.

"Cmon, Cerise. Least you get to wear summer clothes." Bella said. She sighed.

"You all gotta help Justin live a life he never expected. And help him realize where does he truly belong." He said.

Bella cheered. "Yay! Just one more question." She said. He looked at her.

"Yes? My first fan?" He said. She smirked. "Is the prince cute?" She asked.

Cherry and Mo low-key chuckled. Drell rolled his eyes and used his magic.

Then the whirlwind made them disappear.

Little did they know helping the Prince might become the awesomest adventure.

~ Bella & Simone's Adventures of The Lost Prince ~Where stories live. Discover now