Chapter 8

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Morning was usual. The others and Bella woken up and had breakfast. Soon Bella would find out if Justin will stay or go to Macedonia. Right now, in the afternoon, he brung Bella to the room where his instruments where. "I didn't know you had this place." She said. He nodded.
"I know. I brung you here because I have something to tell you. I know how much you love singing...but I can't live without you Bels. You everything I imagined the love of my life be. Still its not worth leaving your sister-
She cut him off by cupping his face with her hands. "No. She understands. I can't imagine my life without you either. Whatever choice you'll make, I'll be with you. But I just hope the decision won't affect our chance to ever be together." She said. He kissed her forehead.
"It won't. I made my decision." He said.
Bella's jaw dropped. She took a deep breath and waited for his answer.
He took a deep breath. "I wanna go to my home and become king." He told her. The whole sentence stunned Bella. Without any doubt, she hugged him. He was a little surprised but hugged back.
"I'm so proud of you. I would've told you to choose to be king cause its in your family's blood." I said. They let go of each other. "What's a king without a Queen?" He said. She playfully smirked and laughed. He chuckled and kissed her.
"We should tell the gang and your family." She said. He nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, the couple broke the news to everybody. Simone was happy because her sister's growing up and she'll live a life of responsibility. Otherwise, a life of royalty. In Deana's room, she pulled out a box which hold Queen Pattie's beautiful ring. The king gave her the ring and asked her to be his Queen. Surprisingly, Deana kept it in case Justin became king and found the love of his life who would be Queen. "Hey." She heard his voice. She smiled a little. "Hey sweetie." She said. He hugged her. She hugged back. "I'm so sorry." She whispered. "No it's ok. You did what you had to do. And I'm really proud of you." He said. She smiled. "I'm also proud you're gonna take care of our people. Is it true Bella wants to go with you?" She said.
He nodded. "I want you to give her this." She said. She opened the box and it shown a glowing-bright ring.

 She opened the box and it shown a glowing-bright ring

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"What is that?" He asked in shock. She giggled. "Your father gave your mother this when he asked her to be his Queen. I was waiting till you're prepared and you give this to someone you love so much. Give it to her." She said, handing the box to him. He looked at her. "But I don't know if Bella wants to be...a Queen." He said.
She smiled. "For a girl to sacrifice her normal life or her dreams to be with somebody she loves is definitely Queen material." She said. He smiled and they hugged again. Bella did sacrificed her dreams and life for Justin. But she hasn't yet...

It was nighttime. Justin planned a private evening with Bella at a restaurant. The place was cleared so they could be alone.
He was dressed in his tux and had the ring in his pocket. Bella arrived with a beautiful dress.

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"Wow." He said. She giggled. "Well thanks for saying I look great." She said. He opened a seat for her. She sat down and they ordered their food. Bella looked around. 'Justin really went all out' she thought. Bella began talking excitingly about living in Macedonia. "I was told it was so beautiful and had riches to give to the poor to help them." She said. Justin slightly chuckled. "You're so cute." He said. The waiter came with their foods and they ate. Justin cleared his throat.
"Bella, I love you so much. You're truly an amazing woman. You been there with me from the start and supported me through choices in life. All my life I always wondered where as if I'm from somewhere else. I know now of where I belong.
And I will not go one day without calling Queen." He said. He grabbed the box from his pocket and got on his knees.
Bella covered her mouth in shock. "Justin...." She trailed off. He smiled.
"Bella, will you come to Macedonia and be my Queen?" He asked. Sparks were already flying in Bella's head. She smiled widely. "Yes! Yes!" She said. She put the ring on and they hugged. They kissed passionately. "Omg I need a selfie for this!" She said. He chuckled as she pulled out her phone.
Time for Macedonia to have its new king and queen.

~ Bella & Simone's Adventures of The Lost Prince ~Where stories live. Discover now