thirty two

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"Derek we need to talk." Scott says busting into the house a week after Stiles' confession to Derek. The door hits the wall making five people on the couch turn towards the door unphased having heard him and sensed him five minutes ago. And one - being stiles - jumps and throws the bowl in his hands upwards in shock, he's sat inbetween Derek's legs so most of the contents of the bowl ends up on Derek and he's growling. "Oh.. Isaac and Jackson are back?" Scott asks.

He remembers when he had a crush on Isaac. He had kissed him and Jackson had almost killed him, beat him half to death and stabbed him with a wooden steak. He would have died if Derek hadn't been there to stop him, the wooden steak hadn't penetrated far enough. After that Isaac wasn't really aloud to be alone with Scott.. well up until Scott started dating Lydia, then things eased up and Jackson knew Isaac only had eyes for him because he continually ignored Scott even after he was aloud to speak to him. They only spoke when absolutely necessary.

Isaac gives a cheesy smile, "Yep, we got home yesterday." He takes Jacksons hand and links their fingers together, curling into his side and nuzzling into his neck to smell him, the omega was feeling needy.

"He's still loopy from his heat, ignore him, we still don't like you." Jackson says giving his lovers hand a squeeze and a kiss on the temple. "You're cute baby."

"I thought I'd be used to this, you're like mush when it comes to Isaac. why are you such an asshole to everyone else?" Stiles asks annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back into Derek's chest with a huff.

"He loves me." Isaac grumbles happily, biting at Jacksons neck, Jackson accepts the bite happily. It's his mate after all. If it were someone else he'd rip their head off for trying to take his ranking.

"Umm.." scott says, switching his weight from foot to foot not knowing how to interrupt. Then he catches Derek's arm snake around Stiles and his eyes widened, "Oh my God! That's why you chose them!" He points at Stiles accusing his ex bestfriend. "I took lydia so you-"

"Don't finish that sentence." And surprisingly its Jackson who says it. Stiles grabs onto Derek's arm for comfort. They haven't quite named their relationship, but they know how they feel about eachother so it's complicated. "Scott, say what you came here to say and get lost otherwise just get lost."

Stiles pats Derek's arm and Derek knows to let him go. He climbs out of his lap and stands next to the couch, crossing his arms and waits for Scott to speak. "Alison came to warn us." He starts and Erika tenses.

"Alison?" Stiles speaks up.

"Oh yeah, while you were a child Alison decided it was a good time to betray us." Erika says bluntly.

"What? Is that true scott?" Scott shrugs but then sighs as he nods knowing being rude won't get him anywhere.

"Soo..?" Stiles says raising both eyebrows and throwing his hands out, "what did she say?"

"Kate.. she's planning something."

Stiles is quick to look at Derek and if he hadn't known the man the way he does now, he wouldn't have noticed the way his lip curls ever so slightly and he tenses.

Stiles walks a bit closer to Derek and puts his hand on his shoulder for comfort. It doesn't go unnoticed by scott, but he doesn't comment. "Anyways, she didn't specify what, but she kept telling me to be ready."

"What a bitch." Erika mumbles, grabbing boyds leg to stand up, it pulls his pants down a bit and he pushes her hand away, making her fall back down and Erika glares at him. Standing on her own and kicking his shin. Boyd outstretches his legs and tries to trip her.

"Stop." Derek growls.

"You guys act like children." Stiles giggles.

"We love eachother, anything goes, specially in the bedroom - you know sometimes he takes his belt and grabs my arm and leg and-"

"That's nothing compared to what Jax and I do." Isaac boasts and Stiles looks at Derek, shaking his head with a light blush, not wanting to share the details of the two times they've had relations.

"You guys aren't taking this warning serious."

"We heard you. We'll deal with it our way. Thanks for the info, but don't think for a second we're going to protect you." Jackson speaks for Derek.

Scott looks at Derek and he gives a nod of acknowledgement and then goes to stand. "If that's all I think you should go." He says, walking towards the kitchen.

"Wait Der. Don't forget we have training with Peter and my dad today!" Stiles says as he sits down next to Isaac and lays on him. Jackson growls, but Stiles just flicks his nose and Isaac giggles, wrapping an arm around Stiles and patting his cheek. He still sees him as the toddler sometimes so he ends up treating him like his child, it makes him ache sometimes afterwards though. Isaac longs to be with child. Then again it could be the after - heat talking still.

"Your dad knows?" Scott speaks up, standing by the door.

"Yeah, my pack was all there and they helped." Stiles said trying to act cool, but his heart just felt like someone was grasping it in their hands. He hated that scott and he weren't friends anymore.

"Your pack?"

"Yep." He says with a pop, he moves to sit up and digs a finger at his chest, "I can feel them here."

"That's not possible.. I couldn't feel you.."

"You never asked me officially."

"That's not the only reason Stiles." Isaac mumbles so softly no one but Jackson catches it and he's putting a hand over his lovers mouth.

"Wow you leave us and we see your true colors."

"Yeah they're fucking rainbow bitch. Now hurry up and get the fuck out. It's Derek's turn to give me a massage and he was in the middle of it but you ruined it so now he won't finish unless you leave so chop chop!"

"I hope it's worth it, you leaving for these mutts" Stiles balls up his fists and he feels the warm sensation hes felt before. The palm of his hands begin to glow and he's opening the door with his mind somehow, then throwing scott out with electric blue lightning.

"What the fuck stilinski?!" Jackson yells confused.

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