The Runaway

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The Stars Glittered in the midnight sky, the full moon hung high over the calm river below. The grass was sprinkled with droplets of water from the previous storm; the view was breathtaking from my position high on a tall gum tree. My small figure lay limply on a long splintery branch, covered in cuts and deep wounds that no longer poured blood. My emerald green eyes half closed from exhaustion as they finally fluttered closed I slipped away from the world of pain.

It's March 28th 1826, the sky was a murky grey, the three meter high rectangular metal fence caged us in like animals, I was located at the far end hiding in the shadows with Veronica, a convict like me,her large form staring down at the wide deep muddy hole that would lead us to freedom, today was our only chance. "Should we?" my croaky voice asked, Veronica hesitated then with one final glance behind her boney shoulder we both went through the muddy hole.

Alarms screamed, the guards shouted, Veronica and I bolted towards the forest. The branches scratched and scraped my fragile skin, my eyes were pooled with tears as they streamed down my face, splashes of mud puddles were heard behind me. I risked a glance behind me just in time to see Veronica fall "Run Perrie, Run!" her voice pleaded helplessly before she was swarmed by guards I sobbed desperately wanting to free her, but did as I was told and left.

Vines hung off the trees hitting my body as I ran, I didn't hear anybody behind me but I didn't take the risk, Veronica's voice replayed in my mind "Run!" After what felt like hours but was only minutes I stumbled across a small river, I collapsed by the bank cupped the water in my hands and drank the clear liquid that soothed my aching throat, washed my wounds and climbed a tall gum tree that was behind the lake, my muscles screamed in pain, but I was determined to sleep in a high safe place, as I finally reached the top I collapsed on a long splintery branch, as I settled onto my uncomfortable makeshift bed I noticed that the moon was high and brighter then any other star then everything went black.

I jolted awake sitting up fast,the memories of yesterday slapping me like a whip, "There it is!" a gruff voice yelled, I whipped my head to the mans voice to see a small army of guards "You thought you could get away from us!" Another guard screamed and yanked me from my tree branch "We'll think agian." he said in a harsh whisper in my ear, I whimpered as I tried to wiggle out of his tight hold but only to make his grip tighten. The guard dragged me through the woods, back to the prison were they locked me in a underground cage with no lighting. I never again saw the sunlight till this day.

I was known as the runaway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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