first ~ (after) party

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„That's the last box Ms. Ocean." The man from the moving company said after putting a box full of knick-knacks on the new, shiny, wooden floor.
"Thank you." Debbie said snatched away from admiring her new house. Well, house isn't a good word. Her new mansion. The interior even without any furniture and full of boxes looked stunning. Now, she has done everything she wanted to achieve. Her heist was a success. She revenged on Claude. She became a millionaire. And she didn't fell in love.
The last thing Debbie Ocean needed in her life was love. After her last boyfriend sent her to prison Debbie's emotions were hidden in the deepest part of her heart. Enough to keep them away or pretend to.
So, starting her new life, staying with her rules she finally finished the new mansion. It took 2 months to find the wall colors, furniture and then perfectly matching decorations. Now she could enjoy the new, beautiful chapter of her life. Ocean went to the bar and prepared some dry martini. Sitting on the couch and sipping the drink she was thinking about her friends. She wondered where they could be right now. Especially her one, best friend who went on the spontaneous trip, by her new motor of her dreams. She imagined Lou on her vehicle driving through the empty freeway, the wind in her hair and sun in the eyes. God, she missed those two, blue, sparkling eyes. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by phone ringing.
"So, when is the party?" It was Daphne, successful actress and director. Always curious, always getting what she wants.
"I don't know what are you talking about." Debbie went to the fridge and took a piece of cake from her favorite cafe.
"Oh, come on. Don't say you weren't going to throw a party." Daphne couldn't believe that Debbie was such a pooper.
"Nope, I wasn't." She said with full mouth of the chocolate cake.
"So, now you are."


Debbie woke up to the sun shining through the white curtains and something smooth, warm on her body. Her eyes opened completely with a questioning look to see Lou's body tangled with hers. Both of them were totally naked which made her terrified even more.
"Shit!" She whispered not to wake the other woman up. Thousands of questions appeared in her mind as she couldn't recall what happened last night. However the awkward situation she was in Debbie smirked at Lou finding her very cute. Ocean grabbed hair away from Lou's face to see how beautiful she is. After a second she got a grip by scolding herself for letting her feelings overwhelm her logical and cool mind. Slowly she moved blonde away from her torso and covered Lou's naked body with bedsheets. When she got up she realized how intense had to be that night. Their clothes were scattered all around the room and everything that was on the desk now accompanied clothes, the lamp too.
"Geez." Debbie said to herself while grabbing all of her stuff and put the furniture back on its place. Then she slipped away and slowly closed the door not to make any sound. Trying to act normally she got dressed and went to her kitchen to make a coffee. She had no idea how this happened and she hoped that Lou would be in the same situation. Debbie wanted to forget about everything really badly but at the same time she wanted to know what and how it happened. As she was drinking her coffee and pretending to read the magazine she started to recall last night.

Debbie's POV

"Ok guys, so we're going. Thanks for the party, it was great and you have a really enormous, beautiful house." Tammy said while other girls got dressed in their jackets.
"You sure you don't want to stay for a night?" I said hoping for some more hours of having fun with them.
"No thanks. Work and kids are calling." Tammy smirked and we hugged with everybody for goodbye. The only person who hadn't left was Lou. She sat on the couch sipping her martini looking more like the host than the guest.
"So, you're staying?" I said throwing my body on the armchair in front of Lou.
"Well, I don't have any kids and I come to my bar whenever I want, so yeah, I'm staying. Do you mind?" She looked at me while having another sip of her martini and smiling through it.
"Not at all. I have so much space now that I'm pretty sure it can handle such a big ego as yours." I smirked and watched a little laugh appearing on her face. Maybe it's a huge dose of alcohol that is now in my body or she actually looks so damn sexy right now. I follow with my eyes her every movement and couldn't help but just stare when she put her one leg bent on the couch giving me a full view of her beautiful thighs especially on the inner side of them. She was wearing high waisted black, skinny jeans and the sleeveless nude top with a big décolletage.
"I know I'm pretty sexy but could you not stare at my vagina." I tried to hide the embarrassment but the blush found the way out anyway. Lou looked at me with a grin on her face biting the toothpick that left from her martini.
"You wish I would look at it but actually I was thinking about your shoe on my new, damn expensive sofa." I said to hide the real reason behind my stare. She took her shoes off and returned to her siting position.
"So, what are you going to do next? Are you thinking about another heist?"
I got up to make dry martini for both of us. I handled the glass to Lou and answered the question.
"Well, I'm not planning anything, just want to enjoy my free and rich life but you know me, I will figure out something sooner or later... But tell me where you have been all this time. The only thing you told me was that you are going on the trip by your new motorcycle." I joined her on the other corner of sofa.
"Because it was pretty much it. I was just driving wherever I felt like. I was in Boston, Miami, Chicago, some little towns in the middle west and then west coast. It was a lot of fun but at some point I missed New York so I went back home. Maybe I will buy a penthouse in Manhattan. I don't know." She lowered her head and wondered deep in thoughts and I felt like she is not telling me the whole truth but I didn't insist. I know Lou, if it bothers her she will tell me someday. I want her to trust me so that's why I had to give her space.
To make the atmosphere lighter I turned the stereo system on and played our favorite song from our twenties - "Like a Virgin" by Madonna. I turned back with a grin to face her realizing what I have just played.
"Oh no!" She covered face in her hands while laughing. At this point we were totally drunk but I was still able to dance properly. I made that sexy, innocent face and sang in a tiny voice:
"I made it through the wilderness,
somehow I made it through.
Didn't know how lost I was until I found you." In this moment I came to Lou and grabbed her hand. She stood up in laughter but after few seconds joined me in singing.
"I was beat incomplete. I'd been had, I was sad and blue
But you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
Shiny and new
Hoo, Like a virgin
Touched for the very first time
Like a virgin
When your heart beats
Next to mine"
At this moment I realized how close we were, our lips almost touching and her eyes wide, almost all back. The tension between us was so big that my heart was about to explode. I placed my hand on her cheek and it was enough for her to kiss me so passionately that I couldn't resist it. I don't know if I should blame the alcohol or just my desire for wanting more than just kissing. I broke the kiss and said breathlessly.
"Take me to the bedroom." Those words induced a little smile mixed with desire on Lou's face. I could see a sparkle in her eyes as she kissed me gently again and then led me upstairs to my bedroom.

Debbie was pushed into reality again by steps heard from upstairs. It was Lou, wearing only black panties and her top without bra. She had got a huge hangover but even though her appearance was turning Debbie on. Ocean caught herself staring at the blonde and her perfect figure and returned to the magazine.
"Oh God. My head is blowing." She went to the kitchen squeezing her head to get some water.
Debbie got up and handled her the medicine from one of the kitchen shelves.
"Here, take this. I thought you have stronger head than that." Debbie smirked but inside she hoped that Lou doesn't remember what happened last night. It would complicate everything. Especially keeping up with her rule about falling in love.
"Thanks. Well, I used to so I'm pretty sure you've given me hooch instead of vodka and martini. Plus I woke up naked so I'm worried if I still have two kidneys." She said jokingly but instead of laughing Debbie suddenly felt weak. Her heartbeat got really fast and she was pretty sure that Lou saw dread in her eyes.
"I tried to give you my pajama but you just got naked and fell asleep." Debbie made up a story hoping that Lou would believe it. It felt so bad and childish but it's for the best, for both of them.
"Yeah, that sounds like me. So what was it like to see me naked?" Lou flirted while opening the fridge and looking for something to eat. Debbie was about to throw a joke but her mind focused on the other woman butt. She still remembered how smooth and delicate it was. Ocean completely forgot about the question and her answer gaining attention from the blonde.
"Deb? Geez, it was definitely something more than vodka and martini." She joked while snapping fingers in front of Debbie's face.
"We slept together." She blurted out not able to handle it anymore.
"No way, I was starting to think that was just another kinky dream!" She started to laugh which turned the situation into even more shocking.
"Wait, you remember???" Debbie couldn't believe that the blonde was making fun of her all this time.
"Do you really think that I would have a hangover after the half bottle of martini? I have a bar, babe." Debbie stood there with her open mouth not knowing what should I do or say right now. Lou grinned at me and gently lifted my chin with her smooth hand to close it. I shook off and asked.
"So, what are we, I mean, what do you want to do about it?" I mumbled and watched as Lou came closer to me. My heartbeat speeded up when she almost touched my ear with her lips to whisper.
"I'm gonna tease you until you admit how much you want me." Her voice was so sexy that I wanted to take her here and now but I decided to accept the challenge and show her how hard is to get me. I smiled and recreated her actions.
"Never is a long period my dear." I whispered to Lou's ear and pressed my hand to her crotch. Her quiet gasp gave me the biggest satisfaction of controlling the situation.
Our moment was broken by the phone buzz. We took our phones and read the message from Tammy.
"Yay, we are invited to the Tammy's kid birthday party." Debbie said sarcastically.

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