♛ "the dare."

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HOUSEHOLD AU: where mark and his egos live in the same house.
a/n: i ship google with so many egos, i may have a problem. and yes, damien and dark are in separate bodies; i mostly write them that way.

fluff one-shot.

"something about the way that you walked into my living room,
casually and confident lookin' at the mess I am,
but still you, still you want
me, "
—next to me, imagine dragons.

The four Googles, Bing, Ed Edgar, and Wilford sits in a circle, an empty bottle of wine spinning amidst them. They have been playing Truth Or Dare for about an hour now, while Mark and the rest of the egos pass by with their own hustle and bustle. Mark would pop in from time to time and suggest a dare before returning to his recording room, and the egos would nod happily.

Unknown to everybody that is not a Google, Google Blue's mechanical heartbeat would race every time Damien passes by their laughing group, dark brown eyes glueing onto the Mayor before returning to the other Googles, who smirks mischievously upon knowing his secret.

G. Blue turns just in time to see G. Yellow pull away from his kiss with Bing. The former winks at him and he feels his electrical chords twist inside of him.

'What are you planning, brother?' G. Blue communicates inside his head as he squints his eyes at the yellow-shirted Google.

'It is about time you get a date,' G. Yellow cheekily grins as he sneakily stops the bottle right as it has its butt end pointing towards himself, while the drinking end points towards G. Blue.

The eldest android's eyes widens. 'Don't you fucking dare-'

"Brother, I dare you to flirt with Damien. In front of everybody," G. Yellow chirps out, wiggling his eyebrows as he leans forwards so nobody out of the circle hears. The group lets out a soft 'ooo', grins on their features.

"B-but I- He-"

"A dare is a dare, brother. You must abide by the rules of our game." G. Red smirks as he leans backwards. G. Green jokingly pulls his collar away from his chest, and G. Blue rolls his eyes at his brothers. The android groans as he gives in and stands up, catching the attention of the non-players.

Damien turns away from his conversation Dark, tilting his head slightly, causing for butterflies to flutter within G. Blue's iron stomach. The android makes his way towards him with forced confidence in his stride, hand brushing away his fluffy hair away from his face.

"Damien, I was wondering; do you have a free port for me to plug into?" G. Blue inquires, internally cringing at the horrid pickup-line. The mentioned mayor's eyes widens slightly as he realizes the meaning behind the question and presses a hand over his nose to stifle a snort.

"W-why do you need a free port?" Damien responds, eyes crinkling with his beautiful smile.

"You see, I need high amounts of sexiness to.. Charge me up.. And my scanners say that you might have exactly that within you," G. Blue continues, placing a hand on his hip.

Damien leans forwards until his nose is just a mere inch away from G. Blue's. "Is that so? I.. Really don't know, would you mind checking?"

"I just need you to lube my joint first-"

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WALK INTO?" A familiar voice screeches from down the hallway, all heads turns towards the source, which happens to be a red-faced Mark knitting his eyebrows.

"Aw, but it was just getting steamy!" Wilford whines as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"I-I was dared to flirt with.. D-Damien, and I may or may not have became.. Passionate.. About it.." G. Blue murmurs as he rubs the back of his neck, his machinery starting to heat up. His dark brown eyes glances back at Damien, who adorably hugs his cane against his chest, obviously flustered.

Mark groans, "If you two wanna get it on then do it in G. Blue's bedroom, where it's soundproof. Not iN THE FUCKING LIVING ROOM."

"A-Alright, we understand.." Damien sputters as he nibbles on his bottom lip, shifting in his spot. "Blue, perhaps we should..?"

"A-are you serious?" The android stammers. He scans the Mayor to check for any signs of lying, but he finds no evidence of such. With his lips slightly parting, he holds Damien's hand and leads him into his own bedroom.

Google closes the bathroom door behind him, while Damien is already curling up on the ruffled bed's mattress, pulling a blanket over his soaked body. The two had just finished taking showers after their steamy session, and are preparing to catch some sleep together. Google climbs into bed with the Mayor, slipping under the blanket too.

"S-so.." Damien clears his throat, "Is this supposed to be a one-time thing?"

"No, of course not, I- I've liked you for a fairly long time now," Google murmurs as he pulls Damien into a strong embrace, breathing in his scent.

Damien snuggles in as he shudders lightly, still feeling sensitive. "Ah.. Thank fuck, I'd hate it to be a one-night-stand."

Google kisses the shorter man's forehead and begins whispering sweet nothings into his ear, hand rubbing circles into Damien's bare back. He notes how beautiful the Mayor looks, droplets of water sliding down his tan skin, eyes half-lidded, a small smile on his lips as the corners of his eyes crinkle.

It isn't long until the two dozes off, soft snores and chatter outisde becoming the only thing keeping the room from sinking into total silence.

end of one-shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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