Kyle Ruined My Life

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Chapter 5

(Savanna's P.O.V)

The hot water was pouring down my back and slowly un thawing my body piece by piece. God, I loved showers. The goosebumps on my arm were slowly disappearing the longer I stood in the shower. Maybe swimming when it is cold outside and not having a change of clothes wasn't such a good idea. It was definitely fun though.

Sitting in the shower by myself gave me a lot of time to think, possibly too much time to think. Currently, all my thoughts had been directed from my shivering body to holding Axel's hand. His large hand encased my hand in an adorable way, his fingers were soft but calloused probably from working and every now and than he would squeeze my hand gently and I would, figuratively, melt on the spot. The constant sparks shooting threw me helped with nothing either, yes I did say sparks. I know it sounds crazy and my mind probably invented it but it seemed that every time I made contact with Axel, sparks would shoot through me.

"Savanna, are you almost done?"

Axel's voice cut through my thoughts and I felt my cheeks heat up when he said my name. Damn boy, how the hell do you do that?

"Y-yes." I replied and I could almost picture him smirking at my obvious stutter.

Since I was dying from embarrassment considering the fact that I had spent a good half hour in the shower thinking about none other than Axel, I decided that I should probably just turn off the water right now and spare myself some more embarrassment even though I could've used a couple more minutes of watery heat.

Switching off the water I was immediately welcomed by the cold air that quickly had me shivering. Grabbing my towel from the rack beside the shower I wrapped one around my hair and one around my body before stepping out onto the mat that I had set outside the tub to prevent water from covering the floor. Drying off my body I sighed at the feeling of being clean and grabbed the clothes Axel had found for me. Someone had gone into town and picked up new undergarments for me, much to my utter horror, and while they were at it they also managed to find a pair of black shorts and a simple white sweater. They would have gotten better stuff but the closest store here was very, very limited and it definitely could have been worse. I put on all of the clothes and I can safely say after getting a good look at myself I wanted to hide in a hole and never come out again.

My red hair was still soaked and it hung down my back in knots and was slightly wavy. Now that all my makeup was off my face I looked kind of like a three year old child, on crack. I didn't have a huge problem with the sweater although it was quite big on me and I probably could take shelter in it if the circumstances were neccessary. The shorts were fine, it was my legs that weren't. They were covered in bruises from my 'dad' and they were awkwardly long and slim.

"You alright in there?" Axel's voice came from the other side of the door, he sounded concerned.

"I-I'm fine." My frustration and sadness was painfully obvious through my voice and I mentally cursed myself to the fiery pits of hell for not hiding my emotions better.

"Savanna. Are you okay?" His voice was closer and he sounded scared. He probably thought I was going to do something, shall I say stupid.

"Yes." I kept a one word answer signalling that the conversation was over, "Do you have a brush?"

I heard his breathing through the door and it sounded like he wanted to say something but no words came out of his mouth relating to the previous topic, "Yes, below the counter."

His reply still sounded like he was concerned but, thank god, he didn't bring up the topic again. I mumbled a thanks before opening the cabinet and pulling out a black brush. Since I was frustrated at my lack of self confidence I took it out on my hair. I ripped the brush through my knotted red locks and groaned in even more frustration when they wouldn't untangle at the speed I wanted. Annoyed tears started to gather in my eyes and I choked on a sob but kept it back.

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