This Is Different

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Chapter 6

(Axel's P.O.V)

This was the moment I had been dreading, only ten times worse. I always knew that Savanna would freak out when she found out my secret but I never thought that the first time she saw me like this, I would be trying to kill a fellow werewolf.

When Trevor ran after Sawyer I had quickly changed back into a human which only made Savanna scream more. A little too late I had realized that it was due to my lack of clothing, another thing I had not predicted would be my mate seeing my naked on accident.

Immediately I had thrown on whatever clothes I could manage to grab and had barely got them on when a shrieking Savanna locked herself in the bathroom. I could hear her quivering breaths and choking sobs through the door and it broke my heart to know that I had done that. Of course, me being the idiot I am I began to rattle the doorknob causing her to begin screaming again. Finally my brain made an appearance and I tried to talk to her. It ended with her yelling at me to 'please go away', even when my mate was frightened to death she used her manners. I would have found humour in it if those words hadn't shattered my heart. My wolf started freaking out, we didn't know what to do. What if she rejected us? What if she won't talk to us? What if she tries to kill herself again?

I was so stressed that I ended up shifting in the middle of my room and whimpering like a small baby. I paced and whimpered until Matt and Kyle raced into the room fifteen minutes later. They took one look at me and listened to a sobbing Savanna before they took action. Both of them rushed to me first and tried to calm down, about five minutes later Kyle managed to get me to shift back and tried to bring me downstairs. I freaked out and tried to push my way back to Savanna but Kyle explained how that would only make the situation worse. Matt looked at me and gave me the most heartfelt speech ever and I agreed to let him talk to Savanna.

That is how I ended up here. I was a bottle of nerves sitting on the couch surrounded by 6 members from the pack, since everyone had chased the rogues away and all of the other members were scouring the land, while Matt talked to my mate upstairs.

I hope that he can fix this, I don't think I could live if he can't.


(Savanna's P.O.V)

Oh my god.

Oh my freaking god.

You have got to be shitting me.

I sat with my back against the bathtub and my arms wrapped around my legs. I was so frightened that my bad habit of scratching my wrists came back and my nails dug in so far that blood was dripping down my arms, I didn't feel the pain. I managed to do some breathing excersises that resulted in me being able to stop crying but I was still shaking and breathing heavily.

About five minutes ago I had heard the commotion of everyone leaving the room, that brought some relief to me but once everyone left I heard the door creak has someone rested against it. I don't know how I knew it but for some reason I knew that the person was Matt. He kept staying silent though, none of us had uttered a word. Suddenly Matt's soft voice cut through the piercing9 silence.

"Savanna, it's Matt."

I whimpered in response, "A-are you a w-wolf too?"

"Yes, Savanna everyone is."

I whimpered even louder and pressed my back harder against the tub, I stopped pushing when my ribs began to ache but for some odd reason it felt like my ribs had healed quickly and although they weren't mended, they were better. It may or may not be adrenaline though.

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