Chapter 1: An almost agreeable age

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"There are two ways to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein

Sixteen. It's an almost agreeable age. Most people would throw a great, big party when their sixteenth birthday rolled around, but for me, it's just another reminder of the half-year marker since the crash. As my sixteenth comes closer, I retreat further and further into my shell. Nowadays I never come out of my room, even my parents bring my dinner up to my room. Usually I just sit in my wheelchair reading, or playing games on my Ipad, but even that is hard. I have to have a stand for my books and Ipad, so I don't strain my back at all. Sometimes I just stare out my window, at the dull and boring street below, except when it's filled up with kids. I wish I could be free of this stupid contraption and be free like I was when I was thirteen.

I still remember rushing about on the streets playing hide and seek with the other kids, laughing and having fun and just being an optimistic socialist. I would do gymnastics with the girls, flirt with the boys and sometimes, just sometimes, they would flirt back. That was the life. Going out every day to just be a normal teenager and not have to worry about anything. Living a carefree life with lots of friends and being quite popular at school was simply what I was good at. 

But that was before the bullying started. The world (in reality the school) suddenly turned on me and everyone was talking behind my back (or to my face) about how I was different, odd, mental, strange. These were just some of the things they said. They made me feel like a social outcast and sometimes an alien. I don't know what made them turn on me. I remember a quote from Sherlock (my favorite TV series) which says "The people will turn, they always turn, and they will turn on you." and that is what happened. That was when I started being depressed. And that was only the beginning. 

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