Delicate - Aaron Doh

419 11 4

"Hey, y/n," Aaron says to me as he walks through the front door of the huge mansion he lives in.

"What do you want," I snap without even looking up from my phone. I feel the couch sink as he sits down next to me. (lmao not calling him fat u know what i mean)

"Jeez, what's your problem?" He asks. I finally look up to realize that Aaron is staring at me.

"Sorry, I'm just kinda frustrated right now," I respond

"Still fighting with y/b/f/n (your best friends name)," he asks.


"Yeah, but don't worry about it. You guys will figure this out," he says with a smile.

"I guess you're right. Thanks, Aaron."

I've been in a bad mood all day. I got into a fight with my best friend the other day, and so now I'm ignoring her. I just don't understand why some people are so mean. And we weren't even fighting for a valid reason. She was pissed off because she doesn't like my boyfriend Aaron. Like, why would I care if she didn't like my boyfriend; she's not the one who has to date him.

I feel Aaron rest his head on my shoulder, and I lean my head onto him as I put my phone down. We sit like this for a moment until I feel him lift his head off of my shoulder. I look at him in confusion, until he puts his hands around my waist and pulls me onto his lap so I'm straddling him. When I look into his eyes, I suddenly start to feel sad. I miss y/b/f/n and I wish that sometimes she wasn't so stupid. I wish that everybody on earth could just get over their problems, and be nice to one and other. Without even realizing it, I start to cry. I feel the tears run down my face, and I don't bother to stop them.

"Hey, it's ok," Aaron says as he pulls me into him.

I press my head into his neck, and wrap my arms around him, pulling him close to me. I didn't realize how badly I needed this until now. I keep crying and try to say something, but I just can't form a sentence. After a minute, my tears slow down a bit, and I feel like I can finally speak.

"Can you sing," I ask him quietly, almost whispering.

"Yeah, what song do you want?" He asks me, pulling out of the hug to look me in the eyes.

I just shrug my shoulders.

"Ok, how about this one?"

"This ain't for the best

My reputation's never been worse, so

You must like me for me

We can't make

Any promises now, can we, babe?

But you can make me a drink"

I give him a sad smile and kiss him. I put one hand on his cheek and one around his neck, and he wraps his arms around my waist. I pull back out of the hug.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"For what?"

"Being mine," I say before pressing my lips back to his. 


Ok, to begin with, this imagine had over 700 words, but then my dumbass messed up and didn't make sure that it was saved before closing the tab. And you're probably thinking, it automatically saves. Well on top of the story not saving, the wi-fi is messed up. Which means that I am writing this to you from my phone hot spot. You probably don't care at all though. And quite honestly, I don't blame you. 

But anyways I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I tried really hard, and in my opinion, this is better than the first one. If you guys did like this chapter, it would mean a lot to me if you could vote for my story. Also, I'm thinking about writing a Brolby story where Brennen or Colby gets the wrong snap or number, but then they end up liking each other. If you would want to see something like that, you can just leave a comment down below. You can request a story, (smut or not), and thats pretty much it. 

This is getting way to long so I'm gonna stop writing now, but thanks for reading. ILY

xoxo ~Ace

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