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⚠️Strong language.⚠️

"Take me back to the day that your father treated you like this." Miss Lester said, pen hovering over her notebook.

Shannon let out a sigh, looking down at her shoes, the days coming back in a rush, not missing any detail. "It started when I was born."

'I'm sorry, Mr Tomlinson but your wife has lost a lot of blood. We couldn't save her in time, we're so sorry. But, we managed to save the baby. A little baby, girl. Congratulations.'

Louis stared at the baby in the nurses arms. He smiles softly but he can't bring himself to hold his arms out. 'Can I see my wife?' He asked, taking his eyes off of the baby, walking over to his wife.

The nurse smiled softly, placing the baby in the bed next to her mother.

'She may not have made it, but she left you a true blessing, Mr Tomlinson.'

"There's times that I'm not a blessing. There's times that I've had that yelled in my face. By my own father." Shannon explained, a single tear making its way down her face.

Miss Lester took time to hand Shannon a box of tissues. "Sometimes, it's good to let this sort of feeling out, built up sadness, angry, stress. What you're doing is good. Do you tell anyone else about your relationship with your father?" She asked.

Shannon shook her head slowly, "I don't want to tell anyone. No one else will listen, they're all on my dads side! You're the only one who listens, the only one who cares." She explained.

Miss Lester raised an eyebrow, "they're all on your dads side?" She asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, what I said. They don't talk to me, I'm a shadow when it comes to them, even when I'm in the house, I get treated like a shadow, the odd one out. They don't want anything to do with me. They all probably wish that it was me that was gone, instead of Mum." Shannon replied.

Miss Lester was about to ask another question, when the timer went off. "I'm afraid that's all we have time for but we can pick up on this next week, okay?" She asked.

Shannon nodded and stood up, handing Miss Lester back her tissues. "Thank you." She said, smiling softly.

"Just doing my job. Anyway, is there someone to take you home?" Miss Lester asked.

Shannon put her hair behind her ear, "uh, no. I walked here, my dad doesn't even know I'm here. He probably doesn't care anyway. He's never cared." She replied, taking out her phone and earphones. "See you next week, Miss Lester." She said and headed out.

#Louis' p.o.v.#

"What if she's hurt? What if she's lost? What if she's drunk? Oh, my god! What if she's dead!?" I asked, gripping my hair.

The relationship I have with my daughter, isn't a relationship that a father and daughter usually have. I actually have no right to call myself her father, I'm a shit one at that.

"She'll be fine, Lou. She's probably went out to a friends house." Niall said, hand on my back.

"She doesn't have friends, they all abandoned her and treated her like shit, that's why she's not at school anymore." I explained.

"Well, this girl has a dream life." Niall said sarcastically.

Before I could say anything else, I heard the front door open and close.

I stood up, seeing Shannon walk in, putting her bag on the ground. She jumped when she saw me. "Hi-"

"Where the hell were you?! Do you have any idea how much you scared me?! I thought you were hurt! But, you don't care about anyone else do you?! You're an ungrateful little shit! You're mother would be so disappointed in you!" I spat, Shannon's face crumbling with every word.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I just went for a meeting." Shannon explained, wiping a tear that escaped her eye.

"A meeting? What kind of meeting?" I asked, my tone much calmer.

"Uh, it's about our relationship, like, what's been happening since Mum." She replied.

"What do you talk about?" I asked, the whole room silent.

"Us. All of us, how none of you care, that you probably wish that it was me that was gone instead of Mum." She replied, causing all of us to go wide eyed.

"Shannon." I whispered shocked, pulling her in for a hug, a tight hug, our first hug, our first proper hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

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