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Personal for @brideofharrystyles.

"Harry, go. You don't have to watch over me 24/7. Before this baby comes, you some sort of freedom. Plus, Perrie's on her way over, so it'll be a girls night anyway." Cassandra explained.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, still having doubts.

"Harry, go." Cassandra replied, pushing Harry towards the door.

"Okay! Okay, I'm going! But, as soon as something happens, phone me. I'll be checking on you every hour-"

"No, you won't be! Just go, Harry, have fun." Cassandra said, finally getting Harry out the door, but before she was able to close it, Harry pushed it back open.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now, go."


"So, how have you been?" Perrie asked.

"I've been good, just been a bit uncomfortable." Cassandra replied. "Plus, this one has been kicking up a storm recently."

"How's Harry been?" Perrie then asked, laughing a bit when Cassandra let out a groan.

"Jesus Christ, he doesn't even let me go to the bathroom without him, he makes me hold his hand. I'm being serious, he refuses to let me go." She replied.

"You've got to admit, it's cute." Perrie said, Cassandra sighing before nodding. "Yeah, in a way it is. Christ, god knows what it's going to be like when the baby's here."


It's been three hours, and Cassandra decided to go onto Instagram, seeing new photos of Harry, but her face dropped.

He was surrounded by woman, he looked like he was having fun.

Much more fun than he was sitting at home.

She knows that she told Harry to go, and seeing him having fun should be making her happy.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Perrie asked, noticing the tears make their way down Cassandras face. "Cass..."

"Uh, it's nothing. Don't worry about me, honestly." Cassandra replied, wiping the tears away.

"No, no, tell me what's wrong." Perrie said, taking the phone from her hand, before seeing all the pictures. "Aww, are you missing him that much?" She asked.

"Look at all those girls." Cassandra said.

Perrie raising an eyebrow. "What about them?" She asked.

"Look at them, they look so pretty, they're making him happy, he looks happy." Cassandra replied.

"Have you ever noticed the way Harry looks at you? Cassandra, Harry is crazy about you, you're his wife. You're having his baby! Who cares about all these other girls? He's with you, forever and always." Perrie explained.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just ever since I got pregnant, I've just been overthinking things." Cassandra said, Perrie nodding, telling her that she understood.


"How was she?" Harry asked, as he walked into the front door, Perrie about to leave.

"She was fine. She, uh, she had a little moment. She seen pictures of you with fans. She got a little bit insecure, but don't worry, I reassured her." Perrie replied, Harry nodding.

"Okay. Well, uh, thanks for spending time with her. See you later, yeah? Tell Alex I said, hi." He said, giving Perrie a hug, closing the door behind her.

"Harry? You're back!" Cassandra called, Harry nodding with a smile, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm back!" He exclaimed.

"Listen, yeah?" Harry then said, "don't ever think that someone is better than you. Don't ever be insecure. I love you, no one else, ok?" He asked.

"I love you too."

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