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⚠️Strong language.⚠️

She held the card tightly in her hand, standing outside his bedroom door, practicing what she was going to say in her head.

She's been thinking about this moment all night, hardly slept a wink, she was so nervous, her hands were shaking, cold sweat rolled down from her temple.

Taking one lady deep breath, she knocked on his bedroom door, but there was no reply, she knew he was awake, he can hear his television.

He was ignoring her.

That was nothing new, he ignored her everyday, he's ignored her for years.

She looked down at the card, it didn't have his name on it, didn't have what she called him written on it, just a blank envelope with a meaningful card inside.

So, she decided to slide it under his door, then heading back to his room, staring at the bottom of the door, seeing his shadow, knowing he has now picked up the card, but heading back into her room before he could notice she was still there.

She waited to see if he would come out and see her, but he never did, she's not surprised.

Heading out her room, she noticed that his bedroom door was now opened, but he wasn't there, hearing the voices from downstairs, he was talking to someone, not hearing another voice, so he must be on the phone.

Heading over to his room, she went to see if he's read the card, freezing in her tracks when she saw it on his bed...ripped.

She felt the tears gather in her eyes, picking up the ripped pieces of paper and headed back her room, a stray tear making its escape.

It may not be much, or a big deal, but she poured her heart out into this card, explaining that no matter what they've both went through, she still loves him, that they hope that they can work things out and have the normal father/daughter relationship that they used to have.

But, now, that's went down the toilet, flushed away with every other chance of them of making things normal again, she's had enough, she's done trying, so now she's going to make him pay.

Wiping the few tears that escaped, she got dressed, and headed downstairs, seeing her father in the living room, he looked up at her before turning his attention back to the telly as she walked in.

Her hair was now brushed, her makeup done to a doable standard, and her outfit that would make anyone do a double take.

But, her dad, didn't even look like he was even bothered that his daughter was going out, not even asking where she was going, who she was going out with, and when she'll be home.

He doesn't care.

Grabbing her phone, keys and bag, which has her purse inside, she headed out, not even giving her father the time of day, not that he did either.

However, soon after she left, Niall stood up and headed upstairs to his room, pausing the show he had been watching.

Running a hand through his hair, he headed to the card, grabbing a roll of sellotape, but stopped in his tracks when he saw that the card wasn't there.

He looked around his room, opening drawers, his wardrobe, looking under his bed, even in his bathroom. But, he couldn't find it.

"No, no, no." He mumbled to himself pulling his hair, before his eyes landed across the hall, her room.

Heading into her room, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw it placed on her desk, but his breath hitched when he saw that it was already taped back together.

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